BACKGROUNG MUSIC: super gay, whiny Emo crap
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| Why can't we have 15 people on our guest list? We're the headliners.. | |
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| Two reasons fuckbag. One: You've only put 3 paid admissions through the door. Two: I hate you and everything you stand for. Clear things up any? | |
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some tiny, muppet-haired guy screaming about how his dad didn't love him or something...
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| Why you gotta be such a hard ass man? "Look at me, I'm a bouncer on my little power trip. I have no life so I have to make everyone else around me as miserable as possible. I'm so tough." | |
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| Very accurate. Are you trying to get yourself thrown down 2 flights of stairs, or is this how you make friends? | |
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(treat everyone who comes through the door with the utmost respect, that's my motto!)
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| Whatever dude, you're a fuckin bitch. | |
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| Have a great night! Can't wait to hear you play! | |
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