Pink Donkey Wrangler
Member Rated:
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| You know, I'm not a very religious man, but I can understand those men which are religious. | |
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| I appreciate your view points and appreciate you not making a joke about me molesting young boys. | |
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| I'm not here for easy jokes. I'm here for a serious theological discussion. I want to be a religious man, I just need to hear something, anything, some kind of proof, anything, to get me to believe. | |
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| You know man, we go all the way back to first grade. We've been through just about everything together. I just wanted you to hear it from me man, but I have AIDS and I might have given it to you. | |
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| Your dad took the news pretty hard, he was speechless. I'm just glad that you got to hear the news directly from him and didn't have to find it out on the streets. | |
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| Dad had a stroke 8 years ago and has been mentally retarded ever since. He has the mental capacity of a 2 year old. What is this news you speak of? | |
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| I can't wait until I can be big and old like you, I bet its the best. | |
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| Other than the pubic hair its awesome. | |
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| What does pubic hair mean? | |
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| Well, its just one of your responsibilites when you get older. | |
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| What kind of responsibilites? | |
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| Well, for one, I'm about to suck off these police officers to get momma out of jail. | |
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| I FINALLY GOT A HIP NEW PROTO BOT! What is it that you do exactly so I can show off to all my friends? | |
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| I'm almost positive those zombies are gonna kill us and this could be our last five minutes as humans. | |
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| Is she trying to send me a hint. | |
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| Well, I'm just gonna go outside and let the zombies eat me and hope one of them has the decency to rape me first. | |
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| Did I blow my shot with Cindy back there? | |
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--- Menthol?