Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » God kicked my ass in Checkers
Chaplin Member - Tobor Fan Club
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Ain't it weird that has nothing to do with my comics and yet I put it up there just to lure you in to see how shitty my comics are? [Click to view comic: 'Timm buys a shirt'] [Click to view comic: 'Timm is a magnet of jealousy love'] [Click to view comic: 'Timm watches The Boondocks'] [Click to view comic: 'Timm talks about prejudice']
I would make a fifth one but meh.
-Chaplin- (Yes...I been gone two-three months and barely got four comics done...what a comeback...)
---"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Espcially since I rule." -Randel,Clerks
ojcme King Faggot
You've inspired me. Not to greater heights. You've inspired me to kick out a webcomic via banging my head on the keyboard.
PS great idea
---Hooray for catharsis!
Hari_Nezumi Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
Pretty good.
Advice once you get donor status and can edit them... On #2: Take out what the masked guy says on the third panel and just have him glaring at Timm.
On the last one: The T-Rex is really n00bish here. Make him say in a normal voice "Fags ain't people" or something calm like that.
---More lust than you can shake a stick at.
LuckyGuess hm
I like these.
---the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old
yeah, thanks,guys. Better turn out than last time.
ext time I'll take my time...maybe.
terrybrass Stripcreator Newbie
man, all comic gold.
[Click to view comic: 'Happy fuckin' Easter 2006']
Now its time for you all to explain to me how this fucking happened!?
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