Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » What do you think of my comics?
dontask Stripcreator Newbie
A general opinion is all I need, is there anything you want to see more or less of in my comics? That sort of thing's all I need. Thanks! Am I being dramatic? Too Bad
---Gosh! Freakin moron!
boorite crazy knife lady
Member Rated:
Did you know that mattmallone has a penis?
---What others say about boorite!
Is that a male or female user? Male, um, okay not that big of a deal. Female, niiiiice.
not_Scyess not laughing with you
Don't ask.
Seriously, a lot of people, myself included, won't read them unless you post them in the thread. So go for it.
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
Al-righty then. There's an awful lot of them, but I'll post my personal favorites.
img][Click to view comic: 'Annie the Earthling is thankful *gasp*'][/img]
That comic isn't bad at all. Just a little awkward in the execution. Overall, though, I kind of liked it.
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