I should stop now, but I've decided to run this thread into the ground.
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| Okay Blythe, here's the lowdown. This is a Quinn-Martin production, so there'll be four acts and an epilogue. | |
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| Splendid! And with me on loan from Scotland Yard, the "fish-out-of water" premise will be SMASHING! | |
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| That's a ten-four. Plus, we have a gorgeous female commissioner out to prove she can clean up this city. | |
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| WITH SPECIAL GUEST STAARRR -- ABE VIGODA! I'm the crotchety old sexist detective! | |
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| GRRRRR! This city is a filthy, stinking toilet! And I'M the plumber! | |
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| Tonight's episooode -- "POLLY WANT A CRACKDOWN!" | |
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| Looking good so far, Mr. Smith. Just one more queston. How would you feel--if Don Rickles himself--gave you a sloppy blowjob? | |
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| I'd, uh...I beg your pardon? | |
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| Don Rickles. Sloppy blowjob. Your reaction. | |
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| Uh, well...I'd... err... I'd like--no, wait... uh, I w-wouldn't like it. Yeah, that's it--I wouldn't like it. | |
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| "I know what dogs like...I know what hounds want...I know what dogs like...I know what's on their minds..." | |
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| "I got my cat moves...that so upset them...chew toys and beef to frustrate them..." | |
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| "I know what dogs like...I know what hounds want...I know what dogs like...dogs like... dogs like PANTS!" | |
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| ...and what's more, sir, this fine men's magazine is guaranteed 100% NO POPES! | |
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| WOW! You're right! I've looked through the whole thing, and I didn't find ONE SINGLE POPE! | |
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| Our subscription rates are very-- | |
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| You just had to do it, didn't you, Abe. You just had to sneak in a pope. | |
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| I can't help it. I'm "The Jew Who Loves Popes." | |
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Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.