Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
My second attempt at a strip here. It turned into what it is. It just kinda came about.
I couldn't put the links in, hope it's ok I just leave the comics here.
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| Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States! | |
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| Hold it! Hold Everything! | |
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| You got a permit for that flag? The giant sized, fire escape obscuring flag? | |
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| Er. Well, they said it would be ok. | |
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| "They" said so. Uh-huh. You're gonna have to come with me. | |
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A Presidential rally is in trouble due to a lack of permits for giant flags.
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| Did you organise this event? | |
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| I am the President's advisor, yes. | |
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| You're gonna have to move the flag. And I'll have to write you a ticket. | |
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| Sir, gateways to Hell have to be approved in writing five days in advace of opening said gateway. | |
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Things just get worse, as the paperwork mounts up.
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| OK, so if I file a form 7B-12, then I can have the flag, as long as it doesn't block any fire escapes? | |
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| I'll do that then. Thanks for your time, they'll validate your parking over there. | |
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| We need to hire that guy. | |
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