Who would win?
Tupperware? Or Tipper Gore?
Answer: Tipper Gore has a louder burp (but doesn't keep things as fresh)
Don King? Or Burger King?
Answer: Don King has more Cheese.
Hulk Hogan? Or Hogan's Heroes?
Answer: Papa Bear would blow up Papa Hulks beauty marks, but Hulk would then go after the weakest Klink. (Hulk Hogan)
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, or "Eye of The Tiger" by Survivor?
Answer: It took movie makers three months to animate sixty seconds of stop motion for Sinbad...it now takes three months AND three choruses of "Eye of the Tiger" to animate Sylvester Stalone for Rocky 2007. (Tie)
a penis vs. Janet Reno?
Answer: Politics are are harder. (Janet)
Next: Who would win this fight: Andy Griffith or Andy Dick?
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