Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Do u like my comix
mrcomix Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
Oh god i need an opinion on my comix
myles1890 Member - Tobor Fan Club
Damn my old nineteenth century machinery!
---Penguins are taking over the universe. Just ask Stuper Dan! SD: ? Yes. That's right. He's knows SO much about it he's clueless!
UnknownEric and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.
I shook my Magic 8 Ball and at first it said "Reply Hazy. Try Again Later." Then I tried again in 10 minutes and it said, "OMG those comix r teh suXX0rs."
---I has a flavor!
AngryAmerican Here at least 3 times a year
uniformly terrible. maybe you should try putting some effort into them or something.,,
---Kill Whitey.
LuckyGuess hm
More like Mr. BAD comix ha ha ha.
---the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old
Eh. Twice around it gets funnier.
0401040 Has serious reservations about reality
Hmm, I find these comics nonexistent. And non is probably my least favourite kind of existent.
---The tongue licking the ars of pretension.
smamurai Too orangey for crows
Oh yeah? I never even read any of them.
--- GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.
kaidenrocks Junior Comic Technician
this guy got banned =)
ecofreak Stripcreator Newbie
how do u post a comic? im stumped
webspider Because Serial Killers need to make a living too..
Woah. Were his comics that bad?
mdk1993 Stripcreator Newbie
Hi guys, I was wondering if you like my comics. Please look at them. I've never gotten a reply or anything yet. So.....
---Where's the fire? Oh, it's right behind you...
so you thought you'd hijack another thread trying to get some attention?
the good news: it worked
the bad news: with the exception of 'beer boy' which was mildly ok, your comics fail to be funny.
Beer Boy was pretty good.
kannabel Stripcreator Newbie
ya i think my comics r crap. any comment?
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