I have to admit, anyone who is a big fan of Butch and choppingblock has to be a little twisted --
okay, MORE than a little twisted, especially if you've found yourself actually considering ordering the beanie Butch plush toy because it would seriously disturb your co-workers who already think you are whacked for posting some of your better Butch panels on your cubicle walls...
I've been going through withdrawals since Lee over at www.choppingblock.org started taking longer breaks between strip postings, so I thought I'd see what the results would be if we moved Butch out of the shadows and into cubicle land...
but I think in general you can't copy the Choppingblock style into stripcreator format. Maybe it's because I'm used to the art here... or the colors are too bright, or the style is already taken... but I think going with something more original might suit the tools here better.
Still, you've got some raw talent. Let's see some of your own stuff.