I took the time to read a bunch of your comics, and there are some in there that are actually pretty good. Some show potential and with a few I even cracked a smile.
The vast majority however are just random nonsense, completely devoid of any content or a punchline. If you hadn't made any of these your work might be worth reading, as it is it takes too long to wade through the shite.
If you want people to enjoy your work then I'd suggest you put a bit more thought into the best way to say what you're trying to get across, instead of the first thing that pops into your head. I'd also suggest that if you're not sure if a comic will be any good or not then write it down and wait a day or two to make it and see if you still find it funny.
And finally- you're a smart-ass little wanker, and fuck-awful at trolling. If your comics suck and you insult our members then you're just drawing attention to how much they suck.
So in conclusion: Go back to Gnomz, asshole.
Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.