Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:

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| Now that my house of candy and wishes is complete, I will lure children in and eat them! | |
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| I'm from Corporate, Inc. We've acquired the licensing to your house of candy and wishes, but your allotted budget is too small for this. Some things must go. | |
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| That's better. Also, any and all children prepared in or around this property must sign waivers and conform to Health Codes. Also, a 27% share of profits must be sent to HQ quarterly. | |
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| o/` I wish I could be, part of that world...o/` | |
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| I'm sorry, but that song isn't on your designated playlist for this week. | |
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| I'm from Corporate, Inc. We own a majority share in Atlantis Productions and as such control all musical broadcasts into and out of the area. | |
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| But I don't know any other songs! | |
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| That's an issue to take up with your District Manager. | |
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| Yes, what's this about a No-Fly Zone within ten miles of your building? | |
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| Corporate, Inc. is an international company and has gained the rights to control airspace above their properties and properties in which they own a majority share. | |
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| So how am I supposed to fly in and save the day if the bank down the block gets robbed? | |
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| You'll have to apply for an air-use permit like everyone else. Go to Legal and fill out the forms in triplicate, and after three weeks and a credit check we will inform you of our decision. | |
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| Will it hurt me if I'm still paying off my student loans? | |
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Please enjoy these comics. If you do not have a Corporate, Inc. Enjoyment License, you will have to refrain from enjoyment until such time as you have applied for and received at the minimum an interim license or face prosecution for unauthorized giggling. If you do not enjoy these comics, complaints can be sent to any Corporate, Inc. office and will be processed in the order that they are received.