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Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » The Horror of Godzacula!



Wait for it...

Member Rated:

This is a place to post you're scarriest monster. This is mine his name is godzacula. He is a most powerful monster ever becuase nothing can stop him not even lazers! He uses radation breath to break thru your wall at night and then his huge fangs sucks out all of you blood in like 5 seconds!

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-25-07 5:00am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

Pretty fucking awesome, yes?


Time for an old classic.


But the Mighty Omegasaurus is not to be feared for those pure of heart.

Apart from being a T-Rex that lives on the mother fuckin' moon, he also dons a rather dashing 70's style afro, come fully equipped with a back mounted multiple missile launcher, wields a mighty Lightsaber/SG guitar combo like no other, has a retractable F1 racing car (for transport and leisure) and can sing in a pleasing baritone.

The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

6-25-07 5:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

He's a spaceship superstaaaaaar! Got a solar powered lazer beam guitaaaar!


6-25-07 8:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

That's awesome Young_Scot everybody post some more 'cause at the end we can have a huge monster battle to see who is bettar. Oh yea I forgot to mention that Godzacula can kick ass anywere not just in Japan.

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-25-07 9:32am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

Troopersaurus's superpower is baking

"Allen" has the power of super stealth fake earth adoration

Spankling and son's power is that anything they lick instantly gets tied up and handcuffed

thai-rites power is the vacuum aspiration of fleshy protuberances

Barb and her trusty Nissan 720 travel the universe fighting such evils as conservationism and australianism

with her deadly head swivel, no one can defeat Rolanda Shaneez Bacon (unless they put her on a plate next to eggs)

this is attitudechicka with a gun. nuf sed

what if nigger meant kite

6-27-07 11:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:


Wins. Hands down.

6-27-07 11:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:


Wins. Hands down.

is this a competition?? i should have broken out my harry connick jr cylon

but you people are no more ready for that than you were for chuck barry at your stupid enchantment under the sea dance

what if nigger meant kite

6-27-07 11:47am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I vote for spankling and baby me, just because that picture makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

7-04-07 4:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:


Senator Mudkips

Evil Death Lucky

Bear Test Taking Person Chick

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

7-04-07 4:23am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

I've gone and done a geeky thing. Using an automated dice roller, I have tested your monsters upon the field of battle and determined a winner. The rules were simple. Initiative determined randomly. Each monster's foe chosen randomly every round. 3 in 6 chance of hitting. 1 in 6 chance of critical hit (double damage). Normal Damage 1D6. Each monster has 10 hit points to start.

Here are all of the succesful attack results (feel free to skip ahead):

Round 1

Senator Mudkips attacks Bear Test Taking Chick with punitive legislation for 2 damage.
Barb crashes her Nissan into Troopersaurus for 4 damage.
Evil Death Lucky spits up on Barb and her Nissan for 2 damage.
Spankling and Son critically hit Bear Test Taking Chick with a ball-gag attack for 8 damage. Bear is dead!
Rolanda critically insults Senator Mudkips for 8 damage.
Allen's alien death rays wing Benafflocabo for 1 damage.
Benafflocabo rakes Troopersaurus with his talons for 6 damage, disemboweling him. Troopersaurus is dead!
Thai-Rite attacks Attitudechicka, er, somehow. He manages to inflict 1 damage.

Round 2

Barb stings Spankling and Son for 3 damage.
Godzacula's radiation breath hits Rolanda for 3 damage.
Spankling and Son apply the nipple clamps to Barb and her Nissan for 6 damage.
Omegasaurus' blistering laser guitar solo burns Godzacula for 3 damage.

Round 3

Senator Mudkips critically filibusters Evil Death Lucky for 6 damage.
Godzacula sinks his fangs into Omegasaurus for 3 damage.
Spankling and Son humiliate Evil Death Lucky for 2 damage.
Benafflocabo's acting inflicts 2 damage on Attitudechicka.
Attitudechicka's gun critically ventilates Thai-Rite for 7 damage.

Round 4

Barb's Nissan clips Senator Mudkips for 1 damage.
Godzacula irradiates Allen for 5 damage.
Evil Death Lucky's fangs find Barb's, er, weak point. 2 Damage. Barb is dead.
Spankling and Son inflict 6 points of extreme testicle torture on Godzacula.
Benafflocabo tramples Allen for 4 damage.
Attitudechicka shoots Evil Death Lucky between the eyes. 11 damage! Lucky is dead.
Thai-Rite kicks Attitudechicka in the shins for 1 damage.

Round 5

Senator Mudkip's rhetoric destroys Allen's higher mental functions. 5 damage. Allen is dead.
A wounded Godzacula irradiates Spankling and Son for 5 damage.
Spankling and son do things to Attitudechicka which I dare not describe. 7 damage. Chicka is dead.
Omegasaurus chomps on Benafflocabo for 5 points of well deserved damage.
Benafflocabo rakes Spankling and Son for 4 damage. Spanks is dead.

Round 6

Senator Mudkip's latest sound-bite inflicts 1 damage on Thai-Rite.
Godzacula sucks 6 damage worth of Benafflocabo's tasty blood. Benafflocabo is dead.
Omegasaurus bites himself off a taste of Rolanda's bacony goodness. Critical hit for 7 damage. Rolanda is dead.
Thai-Rite's special attack scandalizes Senator Mudkips for 6 points of damage. The Senator is dead.

Round 7

Godzacula drinks the awesome blood of Omegasaurus for 4 damage.
Omegasaurus chews Godzacula a new one. 5 damage. Godzacula is dead.
Thai-Rite punches Omegasaurus in the knee for 1 damage.

Round 8

Omegasaurus' light saber clips Thai-Rite for 1 damage. Thai-Rite's counter-attack fails.

Round 9

A follow-up attack by Omegasaurus finds it's mark; a critical hit for 6 damage. Thai-Rite's head flies free from his body, which wavers unsteadily for a few moments before crumpling to the ground. The severed head is snatched in mid-air and crunches between the jaws of Omegasaurus as though it were no more than a tasty walnut. Thai-Rite is dead. Omegasaurus finishes with a guitar solo that rocks the very solar system with waves not of sound, but of pure awesomeness. It was a hard fought battle, however. He is left with just 2 hit points.



Personally, I was rooting for my own creation or the awesome Bear Test Taking Chick. But, I call 'em as I roll em. Now I'm off to copyright this new concept I call the "Role Playing Game" before one of you jerks steals the idea.


I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

7-06-07 8:48am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

All this without using his back mounted multiple missile launcher!


Being the big geek that I am, I found that quite amusing! Bravo fine sir, bravo.

The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

7-07-07 6:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

if only Omegasaurus was australian, Barb would have pwn3d

same here, that was good fun. i inflict 6 points of damage on Zaster using my 21-jizz salute. taste my acidic seed!

what if nigger meant kite

7-07-07 1:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

I don't know why, but Senator Mudkips just makes me smile.

The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

7-08-07 6:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

Hmmm. Speaking of monsters...

Be sure the mushrooms have worn off before you click on that link. It's like an orphanage for the unwanted spawn of Pokemon and Lovecraft.

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

7-09-07 4:07am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

Zasteri'm gonna print those out then tape them on children's bedroom windows facing in

what if nigger meant kite

7-09-07 6:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I just love seeing benafflocabo in bold.

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

7-10-07 6:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

Senator Mudkips's Platform: Putting those filthy electric Pokemon behind bars, where they belong.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

7-13-07 5:48am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

7-14-07 5:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I have saved that picture forever.

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

7-15-07 2:16am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

The_young_scotso i herd u liek mudkipz

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-15-07 5:20am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

he fukkn luvs mudkipz

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

7-17-07 2:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Stop all this fighting!.....Use guns!!!

12-08-07 4:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Stop all this fighting!.....Use guns!!!

12-09-07 6:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » The Horror of Godzacula!

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