I've gone and done a geeky thing. Using an automated dice roller, I have tested your monsters upon the field of battle and determined a winner. The rules were simple. Initiative determined randomly. Each monster's foe chosen randomly every round. 3 in 6 chance of hitting. 1 in 6 chance of critical hit (double damage). Normal Damage 1D6. Each monster has 10 hit points to start.
Here are all of the succesful attack results (feel free to skip ahead):
Round 1
Senator Mudkips attacks Bear Test Taking Chick with punitive legislation for 2 damage.
Barb crashes her Nissan into Troopersaurus for 4 damage.
Evil Death Lucky spits up on Barb and her Nissan for 2 damage.
Spankling and Son critically hit Bear Test Taking Chick with a ball-gag attack for 8 damage. Bear is dead!
Rolanda critically insults Senator Mudkips for 8 damage.
Allen's alien death rays wing Benafflocabo for 1 damage.
Benafflocabo rakes Troopersaurus with his talons for 6 damage, disemboweling him. Troopersaurus is dead!
Thai-Rite attacks Attitudechicka, er, somehow. He manages to inflict 1 damage.
Round 2
Barb stings Spankling and Son for 3 damage.
Godzacula's radiation breath hits Rolanda for 3 damage.
Spankling and Son apply the nipple clamps to Barb and her Nissan for 6 damage.
Omegasaurus' blistering laser guitar solo burns Godzacula for 3 damage.
Round 3
Senator Mudkips critically filibusters Evil Death Lucky for 6 damage.
Godzacula sinks his fangs into Omegasaurus for 3 damage.
Spankling and Son humiliate Evil Death Lucky for 2 damage.
Benafflocabo's acting inflicts 2 damage on Attitudechicka.
Attitudechicka's gun critically ventilates Thai-Rite for 7 damage.
Round 4
Barb's Nissan clips Senator Mudkips for 1 damage.
Godzacula irradiates Allen for 5 damage.
Evil Death Lucky's fangs find Barb's, er, weak point. 2 Damage. Barb is dead.
Spankling and Son inflict 6 points of extreme testicle torture on Godzacula.
Benafflocabo tramples Allen for 4 damage.
Attitudechicka shoots Evil Death Lucky between the eyes. 11 damage! Lucky is dead.
Thai-Rite kicks Attitudechicka in the shins for 1 damage.
Round 5
Senator Mudkip's rhetoric destroys Allen's higher mental functions. 5 damage. Allen is dead.
A wounded Godzacula irradiates Spankling and Son for 5 damage.
Spankling and son do things to Attitudechicka which I dare not describe. 7 damage. Chicka is dead.
Omegasaurus chomps on Benafflocabo for 5 points of well deserved damage.
Benafflocabo rakes Spankling and Son for 4 damage. Spanks is dead.
Round 6
Senator Mudkip's latest sound-bite inflicts 1 damage on Thai-Rite.
Godzacula sucks 6 damage worth of Benafflocabo's tasty blood. Benafflocabo is dead.
Omegasaurus bites himself off a taste of Rolanda's bacony goodness. Critical hit for 7 damage. Rolanda is dead.
Thai-Rite's special attack scandalizes Senator Mudkips for 6 points of damage. The Senator is dead.
Round 7
Godzacula drinks the awesome blood of Omegasaurus for 4 damage.
Omegasaurus chews Godzacula a new one. 5 damage. Godzacula is dead.
Thai-Rite punches Omegasaurus in the knee for 1 damage.
Round 8
Omegasaurus' light saber clips Thai-Rite for 1 damage. Thai-Rite's counter-attack fails.
Round 9
A follow-up attack by Omegasaurus finds it's mark; a critical hit for 6 damage. Thai-Rite's head flies free from his body, which wavers unsteadily for a few moments before crumpling to the ground. The severed head is snatched in mid-air and crunches between the jaws of Omegasaurus as though it were no more than a tasty walnut. Thai-Rite is dead. Omegasaurus finishes with a guitar solo that rocks the very solar system with waves not of sound, but of pure awesomeness. It was a hard fought battle, however. He is left with just 2 hit points.
Personally, I was rooting for my own creation or the awesome Bear Test Taking Chick. But, I call 'em as I roll em. Now I'm off to copyright this new concept I call the "Role Playing Game" before one of you jerks steals the idea.
I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.