Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » My first attempt!
ramanjam Stripcreator Newbie
I created 2 comic characters. Jus Doit and Ai Gotit. looking for feedback!
[Click to view comic: 'Jus Doit and Ai Gotit']
AngryAmerican Here at least 3 times a year
Member Rated:
total cuntshit. try not sucking like a bitch on tampax you fucking twat.
---Kill Whitey.
LuckyGuess hm
That was awesome, thanks Brad!
Wait, where am I? Whoa, bad premise. I'd suggest you drop the characters unless Aigotit is referring to a venerial disease and Justdoit is contemplating raping his sister.
---the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old
wow. guess i was feeling a bit drunk and quite hostile last night.
comic still sucks though....
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