"What" you say? "Has DX gone mad?!" you question frantically, believing I've finally gone completely insane from drinking party liquor (see: paint thinner) and snorting cheese doodles.
Of course, being that it's been ages since I actually posted anything substantial on Stripcreator, the majority of you likely think I'm just batshit insane and are trying to figure out who the shit I am in the first place.
Those of you who know me are still boggled. Those of you who don't know me need to know a few things about me before I lose you. I am a metalhead, which is why the former still think I've finally snapped. In the time I've been visiting this site, I've changed a lot. I came here a younger, less-informed elitist asshole with no tolerance. I'd like to think that's changed a bit over the years.
So for the few still hanging on, know that I'm not insane, and I'm not admonishing ALL metal fans and metalheads out there. Just the elitist assholes who have nothing better to do than to bash on the more popular bands (like Dimmu Borgir or Slayer, for example) and consistently look down on people who like music that doesn't fit into their spectrum of good music.
At one point, I was one of these people, to an extent. I wasn't a super-elitist and still liked some of the more popular metal acts, but would treat fans of stuff like Korn and System of a Down like retarded monkeys. I still think these bands suck dirty anuses, but I also recognize that these are my opinions. I lean toward it being fact that the two mentioned are in no way metal, but that doesn't alter my perception of their quality and the tastes of their listeners. I don't like them, but if you do, bully for you.
I mention all of this because I really am a little nuts in that I think anyone gives a crap. I felt that everyone here should be informed of the insanity of just how deep elitism can go. I thought it quite important that you also all know that not all metalheads/black metallers are as retarded as this guy...
I would highly reccomend not spending too much time reading this dude's opinions (which he seems to think are facts). The "Bad Taste Part I" is what got me rampaging. I just can't believe that anyone who claims to be a metalhead could be *this* bad and *this* lacking in a sense of humor.
I still think it's a very well-executed troll.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.