The first panel defined the action well. Clearly hammer tag is a very silly game that only some crazy goons in a comic world would play. I chuckled to myself, "What a crazy sort of game! I can only imagine what kind of drama and mischief Johnny and his unnamed friend could get into while playing a game of *snicker* HAMMER TAG!" After I was done with the first panel, I eagerly awaited the second, hoping for rising action of the highest quality. I was not disappointed. The horrific chase between Johnny and his unnamed friend was absolutely breathtaking. My eyes stayed glued to the screen as I could only picture the horror going through Johnny's friend's mind. His blood curling scream of "Ahhhhh!" is filled with so much emotion and power, and the amount of intense anger in Johnny's eyes is culminated with his cry of "I'm gonna get you!" I had to sit down and close my eyes after reading this panel. It was too much for me. In only two panels, this comic had taken me on an emotional roller coaster that my body clearly isn't ready for. After much rehabilitation and a quick jog around the block, I found myself ready to tackle the last panel. And what a panel it was... Only here do I see the horrors of hammer tag and what it is doing to the youth of America. How can this be!? Is this really happening to children these days? Are they bored with their X-boxes and America Onlines so much that they have to resort to such a barbaric game?! I thank you, eggzbroperson, for opening my eyes and the eyes of countless others.