Several years ago, when I was but a wee silly newbie (I guess I still am a newbie, but play along for my sake), I made a TOBOR strip. It was really bad. Please don't read it. But now, more than four years later, I'm trying to redeem myself, by having written a new strip that (hopefully) goes boldly where no TOBOR strip has gone before. The joke is somewhat obvious, so if anyone has already done something like it, I will be happy to delete the strip (along with my lame old TOBOR strip) as soon as Brad verifies my donation. In any case, though, here it is.
[Click to view comic: 'The TOBOR Fan Club Sings Nirvana']
And, as I say, let the hatred for Newbies-Abusing-Injokes commence!
what happened to my rustic monologue? ...i'm not sleeping with that producer again