Tell me what you think. I'd like to work on Acid Trip more and I have a new comic called Watermelon Road coming and I hoipe you'd be willing to give me another chance.
But our winner, this comic script for trying to attempt humor by using an acid-induced Santa. And I quote "You can't say you've tripped until you have tried acid mixed with elf magic."
"Last year after Christmas, we took more then we should have and we don't exactly remember what happened two weeks later." Even Bill-O would... wait never mind!
Shut up Olbermann.
The comic strip Acid Trip and it's creator is today's WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!
--- What came first: the comic or the comic writer?
Aside from the fact that the wording was confusing and the it wasn't in the least bit funny, the comic was all right. Was there maybe some previous comic we were supposed to read for that one to make sense? Or did you actually write it while on an acid trip?