I really like the ways the rocket-as-character/countdown/grim-reaper-appearing-as-punchline/time-and-dimensional-travel/audience-expectation things work. "Two" is my favourite, but you totally have to read them in order. I do get the last one ("All lines are busy"), but I think it needs explanation (could've been if "The new look" had ended with a line like "ARE YOU STILL HERE? I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS." so it'd be clear that the two deaths are fighting and therefore have a solid reason they can't come to take anyone away). Maybe the title bar isn't a good place to provide key punchline information in a series-type comic; I don't know.
I think you might still keep going with them until you hit a really good punchline for the end of the series. When I get more used to the site and work through some of the elements of doing more "straight" comics, those comics of yours make me think that I should maybe try something more crazy and memey.