Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Anthdoe's First Few Comics
anthdoe1126 Pink Donkey Wrangler
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YAY! Well, I hope you enjoy these comics. The first three are from a series, and the other ones are stand-alone. But one, called them "Demotininja", ties in with the first three. Thanks for reading!
[Click to view comic: 'The Strangely Odd Office; Part I']
[Click to view comic: 'The Strangely Odd Office; Part II']
[Click to view comic: 'The Strangely Odd Office; Part III']
[Click to view comic: 'The Demotininja']
[Click to view comic: 'Trick or Treat Hijinks']
[Click to view comic: 'Cut-off!?!?!?!?']
[Click to view comic: 'Enter Jesus Matrix']
I hope you enjoyed reading them. I'll have more soon!
xxausrottenxx Sock of the walk
I see you drew your inspiration from Mr. Flanders
---xx( o Y o. )xx
I know, thanks. He just looked so much like him, I had to put it in.
But then he gets mad.
So it's not that much like him at all.
Here's another one of my comics:
This will be another little series; except they won't tie in with each other-they'll just be random. Kinda Like this one is.
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