Well, not that it matters to anyone except me, here follows a condensed version of the history and numerology behind this series of strips: I do 50 strip series, there are common threads between them including the fact that series titles are constructed around a three series subset, as well as an overall naming scheme that supercedes these intricacies and is pretty much a load of pretentious bullshit. Thus this sixth series has come to be titled HEXAMORPHA.
Now, for a synopsis: this series contains office humor, which I find to be rather easy to do and rather easy to do badly, or worse, mediocrely. So as always, I thought, with just the right twist towards the actual mundanity of working in an office, there could be something special there. I was probably wrong. Oh well.
Anyway, this is the ongoing serial Hexamorpha:
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| Say Chang, you haven't got those reports for me yet have you? | |
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| Excuse me sir, why are you stealing that framed motivational poster? | |
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| Okay Bill, you'll handle that right? | |
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| Up, up, and away, in my beautiful balloon! | |
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| I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. | |
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| Oh, no, I'll never find that document for Mr. Warren, it could be anywhere! | |
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If you like it, you can click on one and read the rest. If not, then whatever. I'm sure as hell not going to post all of them.
The tongue licking the ars of pretension.