Here at least 3 times a year
Member Rated:

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| Doctor please help! My dragon has taken ill and my magic is ineffective! | |
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| Hmm. This sounds serious. I'll just have a quick look at him shall I? | |
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| Well, its just as I first suspected. Your dragon is suffering from Ginormous Phallic Disinertial Rectorus Draconis. | |
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| It means he has an enormous penis and I must do something about it, stat! | |
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| I'm warning you, this is going to be very expensive. If I don't perform on him as soon as possible he will have an episode of Testi-Splosion Colossicus! | |
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| Shit! I knew this was going wasn't going to be cheap. Fucking dragons! Griffons were SO much easier to keep. | |
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| Time is money, Wizard! This procedure is going to take a VERY long time I'm aroused to say! We must begin anon if I'm to relieve your dragon! | |
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| Wait. Did he say 'aroused'? Screw it. I'll be damned if I'm the only Wizard in these parts without a dragon... | |
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| So if you'll just give your consent, I'll have that dragon blowing huge, thick streams of fire in no time! | |
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| Do it Veternarian. Save my Dragon! | |
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| The dragon lies in yon barn. We moved him there when he took ill. | |
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| Excellent, Wizard. I'll begin immediately! | |
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| Nurse Aelfwich, seal the barn and get me some scaffolding, a six foot funnel with 3 yards of hose, and enough bridlery for a score of warhorses. | |
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| No. I will also require one hundred gallons of personal lubricant, my fire proof loincloth, my magic Gloves of Exploration... | |
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| Fuck. I knew this was going to be expensive. | |
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--- Kill Whitey.