There is nothing actualy funy about that comic, and yet I still had to fight myself to keep from giggling.
I don't know what it is you've done, but if others react the same way I would suggest repeating the formula.
--- It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.
My second comic had a star trek joke, I feel like we are related.
Anyway brother of mine the first one was kind've dumb but the second one was awesome so keep it up write an awesome screenplay some day and give all the money you get to your loving brother.
--- if i was six years old i would hate girls..... in a completely hetero way of course.
@not_Scyess, I looked there, too, but no luck. I fired off an email. See what comes back. I wish there were some women characters in that set, and maybe a few more poses of the other characters.
@AngyAmerican, thanks a lot. Originally the line was "this urine" but since I'm not a donor yet, I couldn't go back and edit. "His urine" is creepier and a little funnier, I think.