Over the last two or three years I've slowly been exposed to new music, a step that was neccessary following a very sheltered childhood with little to no musical influence outside of Humpenstein's Beatles albums (which I can no longer listen to without going insane, thanks Hump) and video game soundtracks. It's sad to think that for four months my 'favorite song' was the fifth track on the Grandia 2 complementary music disc. This album served as the single most hilarious crash course in music I've ever experienced, easily taking the gold when it came to the music therein and the accompanying stories that I got out of them. But enough about that, here's the review.
U Stink But I Love U - Billy and the Boingers
There were these kids in high school that wanted me to sing in their band. When I finally went to go hear them practice, it sounded almost exactly like this track. There are hints of goodness saturated in a creamy sauce of poor production values and 'old skool,' which was really fun until I overplayed it and ruined the track for myself. I still like it.
Little Bitty Pretty One / Rockin' Robin - Rod Piazza
I don't think you could possibly hate this. I don't think anybody could even come close to maybe disliking certain parts of this. A great track.
Two Left Feet - Filé
Out there much? Instantly thought I was going to hate this song, but after a couple plays I found it oddly charming with it's strange combination of dopey lyrics and what appears to be polka possessed by the devil.
105 - Guy Forsyth
Down-and-dirty southern rock will never jive with me again, as I spent several years in Future Farmers of America raising sheep (seriously) and that's all they ever listened to. I mean, I got it, they were farmers. Goddamn.
Andy's Ride - Andy Statman Orchestra with Itzak Perlman
When I started this track up my roommate looked over at me and said, "See, that's your people's music." I assume he meant "Jew," and I'd be hard pressed to disagree (plus he's black, which means he'd have stabbed me). It's a really great number, racism aside.
The Chair - Kim Massie
I was really digging this. You just don't hear this kind of music anymore, so to hear it performed in a contemporary setting was astounding to me. Not on a regular rotation, but a great track to listen to every now and again. I approve.
Used - Rocket from the Crypt
I wasn't too much of a fun of this track. It seemed too jumpy for it's own good, with a frequent abuse of drums and horn setting.
Little Man - On Ensemble
I was not expecting Taiko. Then again, I wasn't expecting a lot of things. One of the things I've developed a predisposition to disliking is drums when not paired with certain instruments. It causes these wierd aches in the back of my head, so Taiko by definition can't jive. Maybe if they threw in a really intense electric guitar (don't ask me why that helps).
Great Dream from Heaven - The Geyer Street Shieks
Didn't click to well, but I bet it would have if I was a pioneer fording rivers and dying of cholera on my way to Oregon.
Balkan - Troka
I actually play this song while I cook things (boil pasta). I think it gives off the neccessary ambiance for cooking that old world cuisine that I wish I knew how to make. It seems to do the trick; some girl asked me from the street under my balcony if I was cooking foreign food. I was not, leading to a round of reality checks and stark disappointment. Good track, though.
Seeing Hands - Dengue Fever
I'd have to file this under "really really high pitched vocals." I just can't deal with them.
Get Your Lies Straight - Terry Evans
Great, great track. Again, the minute+ intro had me worried, but then it picked up and really impressed me. That's rare for the genre.
A Mouthful of Exhaust - Man or Astroman?
Here in Santa Cruz I see a lot of surf comp videos, and I guarantee I've heard this in one of them. That being said, I listen to this song all the time and I appreciate being able to have it on a disc finally. Surf guitar rules!
You Can Have Her - The Persuasions
Pure win. So much of this is soaked in excellent win that it's hard to describe how win it really is. Bravo, sir. Bravo.
Don't Believe in Christmas - The Sonics
Doesn't do anything for me.
Fishin' Blues - Taj Mahal
Classic. I approve.
some crazy bulgarian song - some crazy bulgarian band
A little too frenetic for my taste, and ill-suited for anything but, I assume, some crazy bulgarian dance.
Telephone Call from Istanbul - Tom Waits
I have been waiting for this part of the review since I first listened to this mix. Here's the short version: I didn't like this song. Normally I'd leave it at that, but I just can't. I just can't. Here's the long version: When I first turned on this track, I heard what I believed to be a chain smoking crackhead literally screaming strings of complete nonsense out of my speakers. Maybe it was the smoky voice or the slight hint of gurgling hiding within the throatier parts of his insane ranting, but I just wrote it off as a misfire and prepared to start jumping down the track to see if there was a part I liked, until he actually intensified his vocals. I thought he might have wanted to sound more soulful, but it sounded like it went from screaming to desperate, painful vomiting. It was possibly the funniest thing I've ever heard. Ever.
Don't Fence Her In - The Jolly Boys
I'm not sure if this was a cool island song to cool off my flaming heart, or a warm island song to melt my frozen heart. Whatever ot was, my heart was affected. I like it.
Bargeld - KMFDM
They used this song in the rythm-based rail shooting game REZ. I liked it while I was de-resolutionizing strange combinations of shapes and lines with green spheres, but without that to go along with it the track seems... less. I dunno. Definitely neutral on this one.
Symphony #9 in C Major, 1st Movement - Mendelssohn
Well there's nothing bad I can say about Mendelssohn. It's an unwritten rule that nerdy guys will end up listening to classical music before most other genres, and I was no exception back in the much nerdier 'day.' I agree with you, the second movement is slow and boring. This one is not, is good, and I love it.
Overall, this was a really great experience, as well as a CD. That one track was pretty brutal, but otherwise I need to thank you for this mix. It's a fucking good mix. Thank you.
the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old