Actually, the name is because I extorted Brad using the sexual advances he pulled on me back in 85. He had the choice of giving me a quarter of a million dollars, a special name, or, butt sex. Lots of wonderful butt sex. He's not a butt sex kind of guy, nor does he have a quarter million dollars, well not in any real currency, a quarter million canadian is like seventy five cents, after converting it into real dollars and the tariffs and whatnot. So, the special name it is. And I only post in Bug Reports and Suggestions because, well, I don't have much to say. And I like yelling at people. Hence I'm in #stripcreator 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And there were some comics that I did that didn't make the cut. No longer around, I guess.
Like Chicken Soup for the Homeless Soul