Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Pulled over for what?



Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

7-30-08 4:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

Your comics have great potential, but you seem to get muddled at the punchline.  Before you save a comic, read it front to back as if you hadn't ever seen it before and see what you think.  You might want to let it sit unsaved a while before you do that.  (You can also donate and get the ability to edit comics.)

Oh, and a caveat:  everyone on this site will hate you if you create a new thread for every comic you make.  Just post new ones in this thread.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

7-30-08 4:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

That's very good advice, not_Scyess. I hope the user who created this thread accepts accepts constructive criticism well.

obscenity filter is off

7-30-08 6:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


 if I "seem" to get muddled it's because you must be used to dumbed-down, in-your-face punchlines.  Mine, but not all, include more subtle ones.  Don't feel bad or pressured to get my punchlines; chalk it up to the repetitive mindset of the obvious ones that have been handed to "on a virtual platter."

  And remember, depending on the context, at specified times, comics do not require a punchline.

I ALREADY do look over MY comics so please save your speech for someone else.  If people will "hate" me for the other thing, then they don't deserve this comic creating service, and they're childish. 

---   ---  ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   --- 


I hope you set the example, and reread front to back, and back to front, your posts (especially in this thread) so you don't send sentences including "accepts accepts" to me, and in the same figurative breath, hope that I, too, accept criticism as well.


7-30-08 7:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


Thanks for pointing out my mistake. It would have been much worse had I made something so horrible on stripcreator on purpose.

obscenity filter is off

7-30-08 10:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Recreational User

Member Rated:



Again with this theme of people who write overly-flowery prose in a language that doesn't appear to be their native tongue!

If English is a second language to you then please allow me to congratulate you on your progress in learning it. If not, though, I suggest you actually say out loud to someone (or yourself, in practice) the words you've written here so that you realize just how nonsensical and disjointed they are.


7-30-08 10:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Recreational User

Member Rated:

Plus, your comics fucking suck.

7-30-08 10:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

When you post a strip in the threads of "Read My Damn Comics," it is an open invitation for comments on the strip posted. We can not control what comments are welcome and which are not. The first two comments made were actual constructive criticisms. The first poster even implied that he saw humor in your strip and tried to offer advise. The strip was muddled. you had too much information in the set up.


[Click to view comic: 'Pulled over for what?']

less muddled (but still keeping the integrety of your strip:

[Click to view comic: 'Pulled over for what?']

Most strippers on this site actually want to help. That doesn't mean they expect everyone to have the same sense of humor, or post only offensive jokes, chicken jokes, tobor jokes, in-jokes, etc. They really want you to make strips that express your own unique sense of humor. They are not putting themselves above you...however, when you post in the forums, you expose yourself to good intentions. When you abuse the comments "asked for" (because you posted in this thread) you open yourself up to UNCONSTRUCTIVE comments. That is because the strippers here lookout for each other.

If your purpose on this site is only to develope your craft without comment, then continue to create your strips without posting in the threads. Your strips will still exist and can be read at any time by everyone and you will not have to tollerate my comments (et al).

Another constructive critism: Choose a Creator name and stick with it. Stop creating different accounts. (Actually, you can if you want...but if you want potential fans, you must make it easier for people to find you.

Also. there is a difference between proper gramer and typos. Belittling someone for accidently typing a word twice or transposing letters only creates backlash and makes you look like a jerk (which may be your intention, but it seems to me like you are really trying to create funny strips. You just have difficuly condencing your storytelling and humour to the three panel format).

Some of the worlds most prolific writers (published or not) are lousy spellers, but they have editors. We at stripcreator, do not have editors. Many of these writers are well received because of thier content, imagination, willingness to open themselves up for critism, and thier integrety...despite the fact they have trouble remembering if it's I before E except after dinner...or whatever.

Good luck to you, and I really hope you continue making strips!



7-31-08 2:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:


He's gonna blow a gasket over that.

After so many different user names now and the constant lashing out at any sort of criticism I think it is safe to say that this guy must be a white male between the ages of 16 and 26. He probably has a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe, but comes from a family with a decent income and a strong belief in dentistry and the preservation of teeth.

I thought your comic was ok, but nowhere near as good as you think it is. This is the way I've felt about every single comic you've ever posted under any of your user names. Keep on plugging away though! Making yourself laugh is very important and when you make yourself laugh then everyone elses opinion can go to hell and you can just brush those shoulders off, call them a hater and then move on with your day.

P.S. To make a bunch of comic and then get mad when people don't respond immedietly with praise is amazingly childish. It is also very childish to then point out others mistakes and if you can't play nice with the group and continue to be an ass hat then YOU don't deserve this comic creating service and should have your IP banned. Then you can go to Gnomez and impress their forum full of frogs or maybe go to Witty comics and impress their forum full of no one.

Simple beach fun. :)

7-31-08 7:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


you DON'T understand English well enough to appreciate my "flowery language", and you took your desperate pot shot

 (read:  cursing).



what, did you go to the School for Condescension!?  Don't

be telling me that comments are going to be made under my

comics (as well with other users' comics)!  Don't overlook,

ignore, or downplay language of commenters who use broad

generalizations that this comic does nothing with such-and-such,

or is not funny in the least, or something similar.




CGandtheSSS stated:


"To make a bunch of comic [sic] and then get mad when people

don't respond immedietly [sic] is amazingly childish."



you are proving that you "sick" with this quote.  It shows how uninformed you are about me.  My goal is for accurate representation about the work, consistency and truthfulness

of statements by user comments.  I detect on here jealousy of

other comics.  And if the user is labeled "difficult," THEN there

is LIKELY included bias in instant downgrading of a grade.  I don't really desire a star rating (even if an average/overall one is coming).

I sometimes MAKE my comics BUSY on PURPOSE, with MUCH setting.

There are a LACK of questions from commenters as to whether the creator PLANNED it that way.  All the comics are not supposed to read like a tight form like EVERY OTHER version, got it?

Oh, if someone tells me here, or in a PM, that they are threatening

to ban me if I don't give them "attitude," then that user is the tyrant.

8-01-08 12:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:


It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

8-01-08 1:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:


No, you are just trying to piss everyone off. If you can't accept constructive criticism, then fuck off. Otherwise, learn how to and we can all live in peace.

And if you do want to start anew with a fresh account, don't try doing the same things over and over again. The first sign of insanity - doing the same thing expecting a different result.

Also, save flowerly language for novels or comic books where you have the room for it. In a comic strip you don't have enough room. Just cut the crap and get to the point.

Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Uhhhhn. Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Click. Blam. Onomatopoeia.

8-01-08 7:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:


No, it means they are a moderator.

8-01-08 9:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

It's people like this - who I'm still pretty sure is luminous - who really anger me. Their comics are different from the more popular comics on the site or the more popular format, and they're aware of that fact. Instead of generating them for those who enjoy them (usually, just themselves), they feel the need to insult those who don't enjoy them or don't understand the format the creator is trying for. It would be nice if - JUST ONCE - they might say "I don't agree with your opinion, and I like my comics the way they are, so I'm going to keep making them this way" instead of trying to get into an English language debate and/or insulting match all the time.

Mediocrity at its most average.

8-02-08 2:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

8-04-08 4:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Pulled over for what?

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