Didn't find this suggestion in the archives, so here goes:
Is there any chance we can get a random comic page function akin to bash.org's '>0'? In its simplest form, a page displaying a bunch of comics which randomizes every refresh. We already have the random first-panel preview on the front page which lists the first panel of comics above a certain rating, but it would be really nice if we could modify that existing system to display several comics on a page in their entirety, complete with title, author and date.
I think it'd be a great resource, especially for new people like me. It seems it should be pretty easy to implement considering we already have the system in place for the front page preview; it seems logical that it should be easy to modify it to display several full comics on a page instead of one cropped one.
In general, a much better way to find gems you haven't read before. Thoughts?