Several people have, in fact, pointed out which comics they thought were funny and how to improve the ones that aren't. I, like not_scyess, liked the few that managed to have an actual punchline, while the rest were just build-up with no release. You don't get better without people telling you what's wrong; if nobody tells you where it need work you'll never know what to fix.
Besides, if you want people to just fawn over your work and tell you it's great no matter what the quality, go find another forum. If we think you're good, we'll tell you. If all you're going to do is bitch every time someone comments and doesn't call you a genius, you're not even going to get that.
A for deleting the forum, only Brad can do that and he isn't going to. If you mean delete this thread, any mod can do it; however, since you just insulted two of them who were trying to give you constructive criticism, I think they'll leave it here out of spite.
It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.