Member Rated:

My name is Mickey Wiseguy. I used to hang out at the local public library. Until . . .
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| "This is a Ban Notice. You are hereby banned from your local Public Library. " | |
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When you're banned, you've got nothing. No borrowing privileges, no story hour, no browsing through the library books and DVDs. You're banned from ever setting foot inside the library.
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| Duh? Outside the library. | |
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You read whatever comes your way: a discarded newspaper you find on the bus, really old magazines in the doctor's waiting room, the back of a cereal box.
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you. An ex-girlfriend...
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| You just HAD to start a fight in the library, didn't you? | |
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| You just HAD to hit me back with that chair, didn't you? | |
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An old friend with a librarian fetish...
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| You know librarians...bunch of dowdy spinsters during the day, until they transform into passionate exciting hotties at night! | |
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| Hey, is that your Mom again? | |
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. . . if you're desperate.
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| Fighting in the library? Mickey, I KNOW I brought you up better than that! | |
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Bottom line? Until you can figure out how to get yourself unbanned from the library. . . you're not going in there.
--- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will
be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"