Actual quotes from a Joe Francis interview
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| Joe Francis, you were charged with filming underage girls for sexual profit, tax evasion, and a trying to bribe a jail guard with $500 for a bottle of water. Do you care to comment? | |
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| "They would shackle me in the shower ... make me walk naked around. I was fantasizing about Abu Ghraib stories. That would have been an improvement on what they did to me. " | |
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| Um... ok, but what about the charges of filming underage women? You say that you didn't do anything wrong, but because you're the owner of the company you -- | |
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| "How about this? There's even more separation than that. It is an independently contracted cameraman that we purchased footage from ... These girls showed a fake I.D. They lied about their age." | |
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| So instead of taking personal responsibility for running a shoddy, exploitive company you're going to make this all about you, right? | |
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| "...and one time I was chained up, and I was down there like Hannibal Lector ... and I was crying..." | |
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