PennyDreadful wrote:
Obviosly I meant that I had read some of them. Apparently, based on your username, you take some sort of special pride in being an obtuse and purposefully hateful person.
I was just looking for some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of some first time comics I had put on for fun. Obviously they're not great--never having written or really read a lot of comics before. But somehow everyone else managed to give me helpful feedback; YOU got needlessly personal and mean about it.
So thanks for all the help-- to those people that were helpful. To each their own---I'm sure that your American Splendor rip off attitude and tentacle rape/ butt boil comics are hilarious. You seem to be a truly happy and fulfilled person.
Keep pumping out that sunshine.
Actually she's normally pretty nice. Its me, Crabby and not_Scyess who usually handle the meanosity.
I haven't read any of your comics but the two someone else posted here. They're OK. You'll get better if you keep at it.
Folks here, especially the old timers, see a metric SHIT TON of noobs come and go. Very few of them show any potential whatsoever, so don't get your panties in a bunch if a few don't like your stuff and aren't afraid to tell you. Just take the constructive stuff and run with it.
Kill Whitey.