Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » BAD NEWS FOR JEFF
biped Mr. Wonderful
Member Rated:
My comics are so good, even stupid people will think they're good.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
kramer_vs_kramer Stripcreator Newbie
Shouldn't that be 'only stupid people will think they're good'?
lara7 Jimmy Carter says YES!
quote:OW!!! OW!!! I'm dying...
DUH! Everyone knows the proper quote is "ah! i am dieing".
---When they invent BookFace, I'm -there-.
Kevin_Keegans_Perm Bean There, Done That
Semi Deaf Stuart is funny , but im sure ive seen that one before.
Robot Have Not was amusing.
Everything else is shite of the highest order.
---"Life Sucks, Then you Die. The bit inbetween isnt very funny either"
andydougan Film critic subordinaire
biped is too incoherent to be intentionally funny and too coherent to be unintenionally funny. He's like a cross between kaufman and fuck.
KajunFirefly chooby digital (in stereo)
that made me laugh
but yes, the rest is elephant testicle!
you know KKP, maybe we should stop being so harsh on other people's comics, I mean, we may have left Elvishitler scarred for life!
---Dad was flammable
I could be nice , i could be a fluffy , happy , positive person in every opinion i give.
And id get laughed out of these forums quicker than you can say "Half assed Liberal"
Thanks for your comments! The compliments were well received, and the derogatory remarks allowed me to feel intellectually superior to those making them. Well done all round!
Drexle Your Cure for Lameness
Nice to see I'm not the only one who subscribes to the school of self delusion!
That "HAR...HAR...the joke is on you, human female...I have no penis." line was actually really good, by the way.
isn't that what I said?
"Elephant Testicle" isn't really a bad comment, it's between "Monkey Scrotum" and "Rhino Moustache"!
DragonXero I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it
Read all the comics. Someone please make the hurting stop.
---Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.
Notice how much my comic stylings have evolved.
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