It seems that whenever I host a CC, participation seems to be lacking. So, I think I've come up with a way to garner more entries, and it's this:
The one with the most entries wins! That's right. The stripper who enters the most comics wins this mother-father!
There is a catch, however: Funny comics get 1 full point. Comics that aren't so funny, get 1/2 a point. Absolutely horrible comics get zero. [re: Crabby] Do I need to do the math for you?
The theme for your comic can be any of the following:
1) Pornstars who want to be singers
2) Singers who want to be pornstars
3) Crabby sucks
4) Creative13 (or whatever his name is) swallows
5) or any combination of the above
Judging will be in a weekish.