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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Inanimate s.o.b.



Junior Comic Technician

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A one day series born of sleep deprived delirium... But I'm over it now.... Tell me what you think!

inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
Whoa ! Back it up buddy !!
What? You're a chair ! You're made to be sat on !
Yeah, but I saw what you had for lunch and there's no way I'm gonna let you pound those Burrito farts into my cushion!
Fine, I'll use the Mens room first if it will make you any happier
* Heh heh *
You sent the toilet a warning text?!?

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
I wish the guy would just lay off the Mexican food !
Tell me about it! Half of my keys are stuck with boogers and I don't even want to think about whats sticking the other half !
If only there were something we could do about it.
I've got some ideas...Wanna help?
Really ?!!? You bought two dozen butt-plugs with my credit card ?!!?
No, the bank records say you did... But it was Chair's idea. He's an evil genius you know.

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
Oh HELL no !!! ... I don't know what that big brown stain on the seat of his pants is, but I'm outta here !!!
* ZING *
AAIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! My spleen !!... By the gods, I hast been impaled !!!
Hey Skidmark! I see you found that missing letter opener...
Two words Chair... Goodwill, tomorrow !

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
Schlip me shome tongue you big shexshy baboon ! *Slurp*
Honestly lady, there's been a mistake... I am not a member of Date-A-Skank and I never E-mailed you.
Really guys?.. Did you scour the entire internet to find the biggest loser possible?... Is that all you can come up with?
Nope... Only scoured the free sites... Seems those butt-plugs Chair ordered for you maxed-out your credit card.
He's gone... Quick, Try next !
I'm on it Chief!

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
I swear... For your birthday, we won't mess with you all day... What kind of furniture would we be if we went back on our solem word ?
Honest Injun Skippy!
Hey Pops!... There's some stiffs from the Pedophile Priest's Defense Fund at the door. They say you pledged a donation for $10,000 online but your credit card was declined.
#@&% Inanimate S.O.B. !!!!!

[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']

[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']

[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']

[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']

It's all in your head!

7-24-12 9:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
So, I'm still here! No trip to the Goodwill... With his Credit Card maxed-out, Skidmark can't afford to replace me.
I was worried about you for a minute there.
Here you go sir...Two dozen Chili-cheese dogs with extra onions and jalapenos... That will be $60.95.
Leaping Lizards !!!! He wouldn't DARE !!
Mornin' Chair !... Guess what I have in the box !
........* ULP !! *........ Do you think it's too late to order a slip cover P.C.? Dammit P.C. ! You best not have logged yourself out ! COWARD!

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
Go ahead and bail on me P.C.... I'll handle this chili-cheese dog bloated numbnuts by my self !
* ZING *
Damn you Chair !!!... Help ! I've fallen and I can't get up!
* Vroooom *
WoooHoooooo.... Speed Bump !! YeeeHaaaaaaa

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
I can't believe I ran over Skidmark and killed him !... It was an accident !... Self defense !... A joke gone horribly wrong !
I know... I think I feel a tear welling up in my monitor.... Nah, it's just my cursor.
Wait, wasn't he one of those Undead, Walking meatsuit thingys?
Uh.. Chair ?... Look behind you.

Inanimate s.o.b. by Fiscalchaos
........* chirp *.......... .........* chirp *........... ..........* chirp *...........
Yep... I did it, broke up the group, sealed Chair in the basement... Go ahead, call me the Yoko Ono of bad comics... Fact is, it was going nowhere fast... just plain silly!
It's hard to believe you're P.C.'s Great-Grandpa !!.... Obviously his intelligence didn't come from your side of the family.

It's all in your head!

7-24-12 10:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

Keep up the good work.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

7-25-12 2:31am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

putting the whee in ennui

Member Rated:

These do not suck.

You can take the heart out of the hooker but you can't take the hooker out of the heart. -- Frankenhooker

7-27-12 4:29am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Inanimate s.o.b.

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