A one day series born of sleep deprived delirium... But I'm over it now.... Tell me what you think!
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| Whoa ! Back it up buddy !! | |
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| What? You're a chair ! You're made to be sat on ! | |
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| Yeah, but I saw what you had for lunch and there's no way I'm gonna let you pound those Burrito farts into my cushion! | |
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| Fine, I'll use the Mens room first if it will make you any happier | |
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| You sent the toilet a warning text?!? | |
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| I wish the guy would just lay off the Mexican food ! | |
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| Tell me about it! Half of my keys are stuck with boogers and I don't even want to think about whats sticking the other half ! | |
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| If only there were something we could do about it. | |
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| I've got some ideas...Wanna help? | |
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| Really ?!!? You bought two dozen butt-plugs with my credit card ?!!? | |
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| No, the bank records say you did... But it was Chair's idea. He's an evil genius you know. | |
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| Oh HELL no !!! ... I don't know what that big brown stain on the seat of his pants is, but I'm outta here !!! | |
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| AAIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! My spleen !!... By the gods, I hast been impaled !!! | |
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| Hey Skidmark! I see you found that missing letter opener... | |
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| Two words Chair... Goodwill, tomorrow ! | |
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| Schlip me shome tongue you big shexshy baboon ! *Slurp* | |
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| Honestly lady, there's been a mistake... I am not a member of Date-A-Skank and I never E-mailed you. | |
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| Really guys?.. Did you scour the entire internet to find the biggest loser possible?... Is that all you can come up with? | |
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| Nope... Only scoured the free sites... Seems those butt-plugs Chair ordered for you maxed-out your credit card. | |
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| He's gone... Quick, Try Gay-Geezers.com next ! | |
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| I swear... For your birthday, we won't mess with you all day... What kind of furniture would we be if we went back on our solem word ? | |
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| Hey Pops!... There's some stiffs from the Pedophile Priest's Defense Fund at the door. They say you pledged a donation for $10,000 online but your credit card was declined. | |
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| #@&% Inanimate S.O.B. !!!!! | |
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[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']
[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']
[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']
[Click to view comic: 'Inanimate s.o.b.']
It's all in your head!