Stripcreator Newbie
Here are a few more. I'm going to have to take off 2 to 10 years to gather more ideas unless something else accidently sputters up. Thanks for reading this far.
Dr. Robert is old school but trying to find info on this new interweb thing for his future book on the answers from anything to everything!
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| Excuse me sir, can you tell me how to get to this interweb thing? it's in cyberspace and I've heard it's some magical place out there! | |
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Dr. Robert was part of the original 'wheel' project but feels he is on to something here ...
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| Sir! I am lost, I just got off a sinking Viking ship in from Outer Mongolia and discovered that this new information can save lives! | |
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| Look man, are you following me? I don't talk to creeps, I'm gonna call the Fuzz on you. | |
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Dr. Robert did everything he can but fails once again...
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| Ok, ok, can you at least tell me about something called WebCrawler? That is the key to the fountain of the knowledge of truth. | |
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| Like Do0d! Get outta my house! I'm callin my Mom!! | |
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Bart asks Dad a question that only Dads can answer...
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| Hey Dad, have you noticed that the comics in the newspaper ain't funny anymore? | |
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| Comics in a WHAT son? ... and why is your head so big? | |
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Bart gets sassy with pop and is about to get the belt!
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| Comics in the newspaper man, c' I have to say everything twice to you, ya old crispy geezer?? | |
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| LOOK! you DO NOT sass me boy!! where did you go? where did you go??? BART?????!?!11 | |
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Billy shows up and covers for Bart at the last minute...
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| Hi Mr. Wrinklemyer, can Bart come out to play? | |
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| Bart?? oh! Billy, can you help me think of a good punch line here? because it's critical sink or swim in this last frame...please! | |
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| Excuse me my good man but can you go fetch my Rolls? | |
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| Absolutely, I'm in a bit of a hurry and quite sorry, I don't know where your mate parked it!?? | |
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| ZZzzzBbtt***%^##ttFfffffFFtt | |
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| Are we there yet? I just scuffed my $1.2 Million dollar Stuart Weitzman shoe. Where is the young man I dropped it off with? | |
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Riffy gets a disturbing letter
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| My girlfriend Cathy is quitting her comic strip. | |
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| ahhh wadda... she don't think she is funny anymore? | |
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| exactly, there are these ppl on the internet funnier than she is and they are not even trying. | |
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| Duuhh maybe she never was funny, did uhhh you finally tell her? | |
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Riffy just can't deal with it any longer
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| yeah, I tried to but she torched my car and then forced my cat down the garbage disposal.... | |
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| oh yeahhh I heard she thinks she's being funny by doing stuff like that, but she's really not...ahhhh not ahhhh ..... ahhh not funny. | |
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Bob Bobblington is pretty upset over his brother getting accidently sawed in half
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| Ok man, put em up! You killed my brother, now I'm going to kill you. | |
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| I didn't have nuttin ta do wit it Jack, put down the gun or I'll... | |
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Bob is getting reeeeeallly upset and his trigger finger is getting reallly itchy
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| Oh yeahhh You'll do WHAT??? You and WHAT ARMYY???? | |
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| Well, you shoot me and then I can't give your brother his pain medication. You wouldn't want that, now would youuu?? | |
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Bob decides to let the Doc try and save his brother but after 6 hours, it's not looking any better...
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| Look doc... DOC!! what is going on here?? I'm going to call the cops in a minute! | |
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| Yeah, well call the cops, call the FBI, I'm a doctor and he wasn't taking his meds. Nothing else we could do. | |
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--- Yeah, well, waddaya gonna do?