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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » Super Britainman - A New Beginning



Alpha Geek

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Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 1 by fuzzyman
Super Britainman? Where are you?
Over here, Glasgow Kid! Next to the Super Britainmobile!
That's the Super Britaincycle. A little to your left.
There you are! Why is it so foggy in here?
Dry ice. I miss London.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 2 by fuzzyman
The secret base of Super Britainman and his sidekick, the Glasgow Kid...
Are you sure moving from London to Connecticut was a good idea?
Connecticut has always lacked a super crimefighter. Super Liverpudlian can protect the Queen.
Perhaps. But will your Pub Powers be as potent here?
True, good pubs are seldom found here! But I have planned for this contingency!
How so?
I installed a tap in the Super Britainmobile. Care for a pint of stout?

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 3 by fuzzyman
Well, Super Britainman! Shall we fight some crime?
Yes, Glasgow Kid! Warm up your Scotch Sense and I'll warm up my Pub Powers!
Let's sing our theme song! "Evildoers have much to fear..."
"We shall fight crime..."
"...with a shot..."
"...and a Beer!"

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-05-01 2:19pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 4 by fuzzyman
The mean streets of Hartford, Connecticut...
See any crime yet, Super Britainman?
Nothing of note, Glasgow Kid! A few robberies and murders. Nothing that warrants our attention.
Those crimes don't warrant our attention?
We have bigger fish to fry!
Such as...?
Insurance fraud!

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 5 by fuzzyman
We moved from London to Connecticut in order to protect the American insurance industry?
That sums it up nicely, yes.
By Robert Burns whiskers...! Why?
Free insurace.
Have you seen what full glass coverage costs for the Super Britianmobile? Outrageous!

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 6 by fuzzyman
So are we looking for any insurance fraud in particular?
Actually, yes! I'm on the lookout for a fellow named "Tentaclor."
Hey, watch out for that little green fellow, you're going to bump into--
Whoops! Hey!
Ow! My neck! I hope you have pedestrian insurance, because boy are you going to need it, bucko!

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-07-01 7:21pm (new)
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Bean There, Done That

Member Rated:

I had no idea that Andy had a second job.

"Life Sucks, Then you Die. The bit inbetween isnt very funny either"

12-07-01 9:08pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Robert Burns was clean-shaven. But then, you knew that, and that was the joke, wasn't it?

12-08-01 8:00am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:


Robert Burns was clean-shaven. But then, you knew that, and that was the joke, wasn't it?
I was thinking of the sideburns. I wanted to use Alexander Graham Bell, but it just didn't flow.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-08-01 8:09am (new)
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Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

These comics do not suck.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

12-08-01 11:44am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 7 by fuzzyman
Now, now, Tentaclor! No reason to be nasty! Why don't you join me for a pint of stout, eh?
No. I don't think so.
I said... *ahem* why don't you JOIN ME FOR A PINT OF STOUT?
Your Pub Powers have no effect on me, Super Britainman!
Goodness, why not?
Can't touch the stuff. The foam makes my tentacles all sticky.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 8 by fuzzyman
Stand back, Super Britainman! Let the Glasgow Kid have a shot at this one!
Oh, please. You are no match for me, little one!
Oh yeah? My Scotch Sense tells me that there is a fine single-malt nearby! Join me for a drink?
I think I'd prefer a wine spritzer, thanks.
By the Qeen Mum's left buttock mole! You ARE evil!
On second thought, maybe I'll have one of those giant frozen margaritas.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 9 by fuzzyman
It's no, use Glasgow Kid! Our powers have no effect on Tentaclor?
And so we slink back to our secret headquarters with our tails between our legs?
I only came back here to signal for help.
Who on earth did you signal?
Once again the world looks to Dr. Megabrain for help! We'll have to cut our antarctic vacation short, Awfully Brain Damaged Boy!
Penguin poop stinky.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-08-01 3:25pm (new)
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Bean There, Done That

Member Rated:

Damn you Fuzzyman . Damn you.

I clearly choked to death after that last Poop Stinky gag , and am now typing this from the ethereal plane.

"Life Sucks, Then you Die. The bit inbetween isnt very funny either"

12-09-01 12:40am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Heh, thanks. I plan on using Awfully Brain Damaged Boy a lot.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 10 by fuzzyman
Thank you for coming so quickly, Dr. Megabrain!
No problem! I must say, you have a marvelous secret hideaway. I never would have considered stout gasses as a power source.
Well, those rotor turbines won't generate gravitons by themselves!
Ha, ha!
I may have a Megabrain, but I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 11 by fuzzyman
Well, let's find Tentaclor!
Thank you for having the Glasgow Kid look after Awfully Brain Damaged Boy while we're gone.
Not a problem! They seem to be hitting it off famously.
Ha! Maybe they'll form a young super team like the Teen Titans!
You stinky.
Yeah, well you smell like you've been rolling around in penguin poop or something.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 12 by fuzzyman
The not-so-secret hideout of the evil Tentaclor...
Tentaclor, I know your plan! You will use your ill-gained insurance settlements to take over the world!
Yes, you have figured it out! But not even your Megabrain can think of a way to stop me!
Take THAT, evildoer!
I'm pretty sure that zapping him just plays into his hands, Super Britainman.
Ohhh... I am going to sue you SO bad...

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-09-01 8:24am (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

Not jumping into your series, fuzzboy. I just thought this was an amusing idea...

...and now, a word of advice. by DexX
*sigh* My friends say I am a nerd because I won't smoke cigarettes with them.
I'm sick of not fitting in... That does it, I'm going to smoke this cigarette right now...
Barg. Stinky.
*gasp!* I can't believe it! It's Dr. Megabrain's sidekick, Awfully Brain Damaged Boy! Why are you here in my treehouse?
Nnngghh! Poo. Stinky. Barg.
Wow... you're absolutely right! I was foolish to think that taking up an expensive and dangerous habit would make me popular. Thanks, Awfully_Brain_Damaged_Boy!

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

12-09-01 8:43am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Heh, I'm glad that Awfully Brain Damaged Boy is an inspiration. He is rapidly taking over this series.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-09-01 10:16am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 13 by fuzzyman
Super Britainman? Are you there? Where are we?
Right here, Dr. Megabrain. Tentaclor lulled us to sleep with some legal mumbo jumbo. Ah, here's the light...
Oh my! We're in a transparent undersea dome! This must be another part of Tentaclor's secret hideout.
I just hope the Glasgow Kid realizes that we have been gone too long and tries to rescue us!
Got any threes?
Go stinky fish.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 14 by fuzzyman
Hmmm, they've been gone a long time. They must be in trouble! We're only sidekicks. We can't rescue them alone. Who can help us?
Blart. Cart. Snart. Wal-Mart.
Yes, that's it! Of course!
Farty, fart, fart, fartiddy, fart.
Thank you for coming so quickly, Wal-Martian!
The Savings Squirrel and I can withstand any lawsuit, Glasgow Kid!

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-09-01 10:43am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Glasgow Kid, rock on!

From the mean streets of Aberdeen, his mother dropped him into some radioactive sheep dip and now he has super powers.

I'd quite like to see the Glasgow Kid and Awfully Brain Damaged Boy get their own series, maybe even turn on Super Britainman?

would you mind if I used the characters in a series fuzzyman?

My leg hurts.

12-09-01 10:43am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Glasgow Kid, rock on!

From the mean streets of Aberdeen, his mother dropped him into some radioactive sheep dip and now he has super powers.

But if he's from Aberdeen, why would he be called "Glasgow Kid"?

12-09-01 12:25pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Go for it... just wait until I finish this series. I have some stuff planned which may affect how you use them. Or maybe not. The plot (ha!) calls for me to wrap this one up in 2 or 3 strips, anyway.

From the mean streets of Aberdeen, his mother dropped him into some radioactive sheep dip and now he has super powers.

Actually, the Glasgow Kid was suckled on Talisker, and so developed his (vaguely defined) "Scotch Sense."

Super Britainman, of course, has incredible Pub Powers -- the ability to distract criminals from their nefarious deeds by inviting them to the nearest pub for a pint of stout.

I was debating early on whether Awfully Brain Damaged Boy is really brain damaged, or if it is just an act to get a superhero gig. I decided that being actually brain damaged is funnier.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-09-01 1:06pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

The REAL Glasgow Kid by kramer_vs_kramer
Come, Glasgow Kid, the evil Felchor is threatening to flood the market with inferior Korean pornography.
Fucking dobber man. Boot fuck. I'm off to shag some 12 year old boot. Pure stinker by the way.
But Glasgow Kid, we must ensure the market is free for softcore erotica featuring no actual sex!
Aaah yah fanny. Fucking big English poof. Mah cousin will stab you jakey cunt.
This is not the deal. I told you if you acted as my sidekick, I'd pay your child support. Now get in the damn Britainmobile!
Cannae. I knocked the wheels and sold them for a bottle of Aftershock, then panned in the windscreen.

12-09-01 1:18pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 15 by fuzzyman
Tentaclor! Release Super Britainman and Dr. Megabrain. Ceace your evil insurance fraud scheme!
Never, Wal-Martian! And if you hurt me, I'll sue you too! Ha ha ha ha!
Wal-Mart gets sued hundreds of times a day... it's a cottage industry. And do you know what? We'll go through to trial, and you'll lose. We never settle.
No! Don't say that!
Stop! You win!

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 16 by fuzzyman
Ummm, Super Britainman?
Grunt! Ummmph! Uh uh uh!!
*ahem* Dr. Megabrain?
Mmmmm!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Come on guys, I'm here to rescue you!
Savings Squirrel? Hello! Uhh... We were just bored and Dr. Megabrain was showing me some of his... uhhh... oral hygiene techniques.

Super Britainman: A New Beginning - Episode 17 (End) by fuzzyman
Well, that was quite the adventure! Thank you Wal-Martian!
It's just a matter of the right hero for the job. Savings Squirrel and I had a lot of fun!
Maybe we should all work together more often. Maybe if we form a team...?
Yes! Of course! We can call ourselves "The X-Legion of Justice!"
Big Poopers.
You said it, brother!

The End.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

12-09-01 3:31pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

The REAL Glasgow Kid - (again) by Mr_Kidney
a'right man, I just missed ma bus, gonnae gie us 30p for the fare?
no, sorry, I don't have any change!
fuck you ya raj, I'm gonnae get ma bruther tae kick fuck oot o' you ya fanny!
I'm not sure I understand...
your a manky cunt, ah'm gonnae stab you ya fuckin' dobber!
why are your trousers tucked into your socks?

on re-read, this made no sense.

My leg hurts.

12-09-01 4:17pm (new)
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Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Oh, it's neds you want, is it?

Doon the Scheme by andydougan
The Scheme, Dennistoun:
Ah fight fur Young Partick Cross.
Well, AH fight fur the Duke Street Firm! You pure harbour romantic intentions towards members of your own gender.
Cunt! Gettin it! Behold my sword!
Boot yer fanny in!
Hokuto surrounding exercise!

Jesus and the wannabes by andydougan
Haw! Hippy!
Kappa-wearing ned?
Piss off.

The computer-literate wannabe by andydougan
Wow! A site where you can make comics! Pure dillion, man!
I'll make a lot of comics where people say things like "all your base are belong to us" and talk about bestiality. They also won't be funny. I bet no one's thought of this before!
Hours later
Ph3ar m3! I = l33t hax0r. Yuo = @$$ f4g0t.
Fockin' geeky cunt. Get ma big couzhin up. Boot fuck.

Culture clash by andydougan
...So that's our plan for this evening! Any questions?
Just one...
Why do you want to write the abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol on Parkhead stadium?
Also, what do Fetch Target Queues have to do with Ibrox?

I know she's meant to be Oriental, but she'll have to do by andydougan
Gaza City
When I grow up, I hope to live in a peaceful country where you don't constantly fear for your life.
When I grow up, I hope to have thirty children by twelve different women, all of whom I beat half to death.
Paki cunt!

12-09-01 4:25pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

LOL, Nice one Andy!

My leg hurts.

12-09-01 5:42pm (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

That last one was sheer genius, Andy. *applause*

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

12-10-01 8:57am (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » Super Britainman - A New Beginning

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