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Stripcreator Newbie

Learn the teachings of Allah!

Blessed Be The Goats! by baba
Blessed be the goats!
I am the home for your soul in the time between lives!
Blessed be the goats!
When the goats mate, new souls for humans are born!
What the fuck are they talking about?
Alas, the infidel!

In Praise of Allah by baba
I am Baba, Allah's messenger on Earth. Because there is no character for me, the pimp will be used to represent me.
I am Allah. Because there is no character for me, Jesus will be used to represent me.
Sucks for you.

Listen and Learn by baba
Oh, wise Baba! I wish to learn about the greatness of Allah! Teach me!
Listen, child, and I will tell you of how our souls pass from life to life through the middleworld of goats!
Goats? Middlelife? Reincarnation? This doesn't sound like it came from the Koran!
We follow the New Revised American International Alternative Standard King James Koran...
There's a King James Koran?
...Version 2.5!

Baba is Wise by baba
Woman! Come learn about the greatness of Allah from his messenger, Baba!
So, you're this Baba I've been hearing about! *giggle* Okay, what's the message?
Woman, before you can hear the message, you must show respect by covering your face!
I don't have a veil. *tee hee* How can I cover my face?
Hmmm... Why don't you take off your shirt and use that?
Oh, Baba, you're so wise! *giggle*

So let it be.

Blessed be the goats.

3-04-02 6:56pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

We Be Representin' by baba
You summoned me, Allah?
Baba, my messenger! I cannot abide using this Jesus character. You must find me a more suitable one.
Yes, Allah! How about... THIS?
I think it sends thre wrong message. Try again.
Here's one! And a handsome character, if I do say so myself!
I can always find a new messenger, Baba.

Blessed be the goats.

3-06-02 4:36am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

My ministry continues.

The Inner Allah by baba
Oh, come on Allah, that is a great character for you!
Sorry, Baba. I'll find a character for myself.
You know best, my lord!
Damn, I was supposed to turn into a gaint red robot. What the hell...?

Allah Tough Luck by baba
Ok, Allah, you've transformed yourself into a robot. Now what?
Allah? Are you okay?
Ah, I've got it!
I wonder if the Mormons are recruiting...

Blessed be the goats.

3-06-02 12:37pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I actually quite like these comics, good stuff.

Dad was flammable

3-06-02 12:51pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

It's always funny to see an alterego's main identity agree with it ;)

3-06-02 12:51pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

How did you figure out that I am the Kajun Firefly? Damn you for being so clever!

Worshipers Must Be Found by baba
I am Allah! Come, praise me!
Yikes! A giant bug!
I am Allah! Come, praise me!
Noooo! It can't be! A giant bug! Aiieeeeee!!!!
I am Allah! Come, praise me!
Hey, cutie, I'll praise you all you want!

In Thine Image by baba
Get away! Get away! A giant bug! Nooooo!
I must find worshipers! They must see that Allah is God!
Oh, my God...
...a giant bug!

Blessed be the goats.

3-06-02 1:15pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

This man does not represent me.

Dad was flammable

3-07-02 1:32am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I was being sarcastic. Hopefully it wasn't lost on our young friend.

Blessed be the goats.

3-07-02 2:36am (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:


Before, Kajun had already shouted how he wasn't in the alterego industry anymore. I was just egging him on.

I actally have pretty good ideas who all these allah characters are but im not saying.

3-07-02 7:24am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Allah-ka-zam! by baba
Having a problem, Allah?
Jesus! How have you been? Yeah, I don't have a character, so somehow I ended up as this bug!
Ah, let me see if I can help...
Dude, you are so dead.

Blessed be the goats.

3-07-02 8:25pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Back to Basics by baba
I am Allah! Come praise me!
Hey, Allah!
Baba! My Messenger! You have returned!
This whole, "character" thing is getting in the way of the message. Please hurry up and pick a good one so we can return to preaching.
Right! And the message was...?
I forget. Something about goats.

What's In A Name? by baba
I am Allah! My messenger and I shall now teach you about the Sacred Transcendental Universal Penticostal Islamic Denomination.
I am Baba, Allah's messenger. I made up the name for our religion, the only TRUE form of Islam.
Just flows right off the tounge, eh?

Blessed be the goats.

3-08-02 4:15am (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I'm sure that most, if not all of them are that Nate bloke, you know, young guy, obsessed with church? I think it's him.

Dad was flammable

3-08-02 11:22am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I am far too wise to have come from the same loins as Jehovah.

The Wisdom of Allah by baba
"The turnips must be sorted, lest the good be discarded with the spoiled."
Wise, Allah, very wise!
"The asparagus nestled to your bosom is warmed, losing essential vitamins. Therefore, hold nothing too close."
Ah, yes, Allah! I understand!
"A cucumber, well-lubricated with vegatable oil--
Whoah, whoah, whoah! Let's quit while we're ahead.

More Wisdom of Allah by baba
"The flesh of the peach is sweet, but the core is bitter. So it is with us. We must shrink our pits and expand our flesh."
Ah, Allah... You are so wise!
"I like asparagus."
Say what?
No, really. I like asparagus. Can't get enough of it.
Man, you just ain't getting the hang of the God thing, are you?

Blessed be the goats.

3-08-02 8:06pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

So.... 'Nate is the son of Jehovah?

You would really think his comics would be better.

Dad was flammable

3-09-02 4:04am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Thank goodness I decided to retire. My replacement has written some very fine comics!

Minha senha é binladen.

3-09-02 5:16am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Yes, though I see that the password is no longer, "binladen."

Allah Knows All by baba
I am Allah! Let my great wisdom flow upon you!
You aren't Allah! You look like DexX.
I am merely using his character. But I really am Allah! I know all! I know everything about you, in fact!
Prove it.
You do not suck dick.
Oh, like that's a revelation.

Allah Is Always Right by baba
"The onion has many layers. All are edible, except the skin. Shed your skin and show your true onion."
Oh, Allah! I revel in your wisdom!
"The skin of the pineapple protects it from harm. The face you show the world protects your fleshy insides. Never lose your skin, lest you be open to harm."
Wait a second... Don't those two pearls of wisdom contradict each other?
"Pity the poor mango. It asked it's master too many questions, and was soon unemployed."
Oh, Allah! I revel in your wisdom!


Blessed be the goats.

3-09-02 7:45am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

All About Goats by baba
So Allah, explain to me how goats fit into our religion.
Between incarnations, our souls reside in the bodies of goats. The goats mate, and when a baby goat is born a new soul for a human baby is released.
What would happen if a human mated with a goat?
The offspring would be an abomination with only half a soul! It would be a terrible, evil, spreading darkness across the Earth! Why do you ask?
Oh... uh... No reason.
Mating with goats, eh? Well, it might explain why he smells like that.

Babalicious by baba
I'm your private dancer... dancing for money... do what do want me to do...

Blessed be the goats.

3-11-02 2:55pm (new)
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Member Rated:

blessed be the

Batman created by Bob Kane

3-11-02 3:15pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

3-11-02 3:45pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

This guy is more entertaining than when he was Allah and spouting portuguese. Assuming he's the same person, which is pretty likely.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

3-11-02 6:08pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Welcome to the thread Fuzz, I thought it was just going to be me, Nate and all his chums!

Dad was flammable

3-12-02 6:50am (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

I don't think baba is a pseudonym for any of the regs taking part in this thread - he's funnier than Nate, and KF seems to have an aversion to alter-egos these days.

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

3-12-02 7:28am (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

God, do I have to keep defending myself about all the alter-ego issues?

Strange Brewster

thats all the hotmail and yahoo accouts I have right now to spare for silly names. I'm frankly to lazy to get any more.

3-12-02 8:25am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

No one has guessed my identity yet. I thought that I would have been found out by now. I am amazed that I haven't slipped up and posted with the wrong name yet.

Alas, I would have posted some new cartoons, but the system seems to be having problems.

Blessed be the goats.

3-12-02 5:41pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

Must be a dumb noob like Bazilla... he hasn't been posting as much latley.

At least his grammer is better.

3-12-02 5:49pm (new)
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