Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » Pixel Pumpers #20: Cereal Comic



Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

"I eat Fecal Flakes because it keeps me regular. Irregular people prefer it 2 to 1 over Mensa Meusli!"

Stripcreator is branching out into the breakfast cereal market! Cap'n Crunch and that screwy Trix rabbit got nothing on us.

Design for me, if you will, the cereal box or advertisement for a new breakfast cereal. It can be Stripcreator inspired, or just plain funny.

Plenty of inspriation at Kellogg's, General Mills, and Post.

I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few days, so this one will run a little longer... Judging to take place sometime Wednesday night.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

3-22-02 9:03pm (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

DexX, *please* repost your Kellogs Cornholes pic! ...Please!

3-22-02 10:05pm (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

Your wish is my command...

(Note: Very old pic, not an entry.)

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

3-22-02 11:20pm (new)
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Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. -Weird Al Yankovic

3-22-02 11:59pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Wow, Kellogg's Special X... I wouldn't have thought of that.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

3-23-02 4:56am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

3-23-02 5:20am (new)
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Donut Purveyor

Member Rated:

Fuck! TheElPaso and I had practically the same idea...

...well, off to find something new.

3-24-02 3:18am (new)
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Donut Purveyor

Member Rated:

Not my best work.

3-24-02 11:25am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

You're ugly. I'm sorry I said that ugly.

3-24-02 9:04pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


You're ugly. I'm sorry I said that ugly.

3-25-02 8:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Sorry Drave, Angelfire just sucks. You'll have to move it to a server who actually lets people see pictures.

3-25-02 8:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


You're ugly. I'm sorry I said that ugly.

3-25-02 9:29am (new)
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Member Rated:

I recommend It's free and it's pretty easy to use. One thing you need to know, though, is that when you want to link to an image hosted there, you have to use the "Link to Auction" button to get the proper image URL. It won't look right, but it works.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

3-25-02 9:52am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Thanks for the help.

If this doesn't work I'll stop making a fool of myself.

Who am I kidding.

You're ugly. I'm sorry I said that ugly.

3-25-02 12:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

It works.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

3-25-02 1:19pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

I have an awsome website ive been working on over the weekend, but I refuse to submit it to any cheap-*ss thing like freeservers. Joft is suposedly gonna get me 50 megs free without banners from this guy he knows that does his. When it's up I'll let u all know.

3-25-02 4:28pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

As a warning?

Dad was flammable

3-25-02 4:45pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

I think I just realized why I never have a good answer when my mom asks me what I've been doing lately.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

3-25-02 6:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

That was so beautiful it brought a tear to my eye, d.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

3-25-02 6:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Cereal might have a bad taste- bc


3-25-02 7:28pm (new)
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Member Rated:

That is tasteless and I love it.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

3-25-02 7:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

As a warning?

Crap. That fell through because he wouldn't give it to anyone he doesn't know.

That means I'm going to have to stalk the IRC channels at scifi for him...

3-25-02 8:15pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

I am going to hell anyway but at least I won't feel so ashamed anymore.

How does that little Middie manage to clothesline a person like you in the Annapolis pic? Was the Main St. cobblestone wet or something?


3-25-02 8:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I don't have a photoshop entry... just a marketing slogan.

Lucky: "Oooh, I'm so sick of the kids takin' me Lucky Charms... Time to take back the street, old skool style!"

That's right, get ready for the new marshmallow flavor, BLACK GUNS!

Kids: "Look, there's Lucky! Let's get his lucky charms!"

Lucky: "Touch my stash, I'll bust a cap in yo' ass beotch!" (Bloodbath ensues.)

And the jingle at the end?

o/` "Frosted Lucky Charms, they'll blow your ass to pieces!" o/`

3-25-02 8:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

I am going to hell anyway but at least I won't feel so ashamed anymore.

You think thats tasteless? Take this

3-25-02 8:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Photoshop Valley » Pixel Pumpers #20: Cereal Comic

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