Who was it who made that brilliant random musical genre creator page? We need a random stupid pub name creator, too. :)
I'm thinking "The Brick and Hubcap".
I can take credit for the
genre generator. It would be nothing to adapt it to generate pub names like "The Brick and Hubcap"; all you'd need is a list of nouns. Maybe a few adjectives. Or Irish surnames.
This guy's gotten us started.
I was in a drugstore last night and I saw a tabloid bearing this headline: "KKK Skeletons Found in Titanic Life Raft". My first thought was that such a headline must have been assembled using some similar random generator program. I thought I might write one myself, but I wouldn't be the first. Here's what a quick search came up with:
Also, it turns out Yahoo has a whole category for Randomized Things.
P.S. -- I'd also like to express my admiration for The Fondling Vicar. I mean -- you know what I mean.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!