No, you are an idiot. The theme of the contest is "where are they now?" and the 2002, though obviously reminiscent of 2001, is meant to be right now, this year, as in "right now, William Shatner is fucking bald".
Your slow thought processes are extraordinarily infuriating at times, you know...
I mean, honestly thinking I don't know the movie is "2001" for fuck's sake... Use your head, boy! Why didn't you go all the way and point out that the title is "A Space Odyssey" and not "A Scalp Odyssey"?
Jeez dexx, I mean, you use a simmaler title, show the Jupiter 1, and say it's "2002". The only course of action my mind can take is to say "Oh, he's making a sequel to 2001. They did that already!". Then you call me a idiot and say my thought process is slow... perhaps it's just different from fauzzie logic.
Am I the one at fault here(ie, an idiot? Didn't anyone else think it was a sequal?
What's a "sequal"?
Nate, if everytime you open your mouth, something stupid comes out, then please, for the love of God, just shut the fuck up!
Do you really think that Wirthling will let this contest run for another 59 years, just so that DexX's entry would be more accurate?
So, DexX, are you still drawing Nate's forum users character after mine? ;-)
Dad was flammable