I know all of you are completely disappointed, but tomorrow I will be moving to my mother's place. She doesn't have a computer, she thinks they're evil and that I'll use it to look at porn 22 hours a day. She's so crazy. Anyways, I don't know how long I'll be gone, could be a day, could be a year, could be whenever a certain forum-user whose name rhymes with a popular web browser creates a funny comic, but keep your eyes out for a PLOG!, because you know what that means....
Sorry that I'm too lazy to create yet another better-than-every-other-comic-at-the=site-combined comic, but I captioned a lot of the pictures and unlike Tom Green they are funny!
No, really...
And I promise that I won't come back tomorrow. This is because I am not leaving due to a sudden distaste for the website or because an Austrailian out-argued me, but the whole mom thing.
(By the way if you are reading this and having sex with my mom you would be advised to leave!)
Oh, and I still think you all are gray. Or whatever my big insult was.
we're sending our love down the WE-ELL-ELL-ELL! WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW!