The time has come to pass judgement...
*dramatic chord*
Gabe - The pink donkey was born to be an assassin. Thank you for leading him to his true vocation.
Jael - I don't get it. So why am I laughing?
Boorite - There is something fundamentally funny about pimp-talking squirrels. Kinda like robotic manrape in that respect.
Balan - Yay, Shakespeare! I could crap on about dichotomies and juxtaposition, but I'll just settle for saying: "Ha! Piss funny!"
ObiJo - Great non-standard format, and very funny.
DragonXero - The idea of rotary-dial phones being sexual because of their holes is just repellant. Naturally I laughed a lot at it.
Descolada - Utilising that "squirrel + obscenity = funny" forumla. Me like.
Wirthling - The amusement value of Lowpass regulars dedicating strip after strip to imaginary mutual-mutilation will never fade. :)
Flux - Lazy, but strangely good.
Dan - Contest crossover! What a horrifying thought!
...and the winner is...
>>> DragonXero <<<
There ya go, you've got the ball, now run with it...
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.