Hello. I'm Nate. I'm not DexX.

This is not a mask. I really am Nate.
So, about this contest...
Nate suggested- uh... that is, I suggested, to myself, while brainstorming, that animals are fun. Rather than just say "animals!" and call that a rule, though, how about we say that you have to show either an animal in a distinctly unnatural habitat, or something which is not an animal living in lovely, natural surroundings.
People in the zoo, animals on the moon, bulldozers frolicking across verdant plains, a chimpanzee as president of the USA... okay, that last one's probably a bit of a credibility-stretch...
The deadline is a bit fluid, but will be roughly Friday or Saturday when N- [u]I[/u] get back from... that place... where I am going... now...
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.