Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » the waz it ALL started :



Pink Donkey Wrangler

i thought some of you might be interested how all of the crap which was going on during the last days / weeks actually kicked off.

well, back in the old days when i was still creating comics and was know under the name of 'sub_m7' , i found v-girl answering one of my posts saying sth like 'somebody check the crack level in austria' , which amde me kinda interested. so i checked my comics, thought they were funny, except ONE.

so, since being a person who like to say what i think about the work of others, i created this thread :

the rest is history

despite of being afraid of repeating myself, this particular comic SUCKS APE-BALLS !@!@!@!

her other strips are cool, but growing up with 3 sisters and no brother knida made me sensitive to dumb, half-assed feminism. sorry if this offends anybody, but that's what i think, indeed what i live. i am for equality, but not for being anti-male jsut for the fucking sake of it. even if the comic should be supposed to be ironic (which i really don't think it is), it sucks.


could somebody give feedback about her comic mentioned above, please ?

so long, bio_m[77]

Signature seized by order of the Hague

9-26-02 5:54am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Why are you still here?

Needs more sodomy.

9-26-02 6:09am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

because i need more sodomy

Signature seized by order of the Hague

9-26-02 6:12am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

I despise suck-ups.

Go away.

Needs more sodomy.

9-26-02 6:13am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

who's a suck-up?

what's a suck up ?

i tell ya, buddy, ya ain't got no idea wot ya tokin 'bout ...

Signature seized by order of the Hague

9-26-02 6:54am (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

This shit needs to fucking die. Clone, just shut up and make jokes, OK? That's the way to get along with us. Jesus Fucking Christ on an empty subway car!

What others say about boorite!

9-26-02 8:21am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

I enjoy and appreciate all of vichyssoisegirl's comics to date, including the one you mentioned above. I believe you are reading things in it that aren't really there. In fact, I do not believe that the reader is meant to support Maura's baseless rejection of Pete in that comic, nor do I believe that the strip is in any way a celebration of feminism. I read it as a simple, humorous jab at the bizarre state of dating and gender relations in the modern world. My opinion on this is, as best I can tell, unaffected by the fact that I am a male, or by my relationships with the females in my life. As an aside, I'd like to point out that if you take offense at that one comic, you should probably not read Diesel Sweeties, the comic strip from which those characters are borrowed. Your head would probably explode.

In addition, as I have already stated in , you are mistaken if you believe that your criticism of v-girl changed anyone's opinion of you. We didn't like you before then, we haven't liked you since then, and we don't like you now.

However, I and several others have offered to put all this unpleasantness behind us, if only you'll start acting like a polite and reasonable human being. That you are not one currently is a point which is beyond debate, its details having been enumerated multiple times by multiple people in other threads. Yet, thus far, you appear to be making no attempt to meet this single, simple term of this, if I may say so, very generous compromise.

The offer stands. If you need some time to research what's involved in taking up your end of it, by all means, please take as much as you need. However, for as long as you choose to frequent this site and carry on in the manner which inspired our original distaste for you, you may expect to continue to be treated accordingly.

This is all I have to say on this subject.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

9-26-02 8:32am (new)
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Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

what is "the waz"?

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

9-26-02 9:09am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

i made my point clear several times now.

if you interpretate the comic on debate in a different way, that's your thing.

i don't know the real diesel sweeties comics, which is probably one of the reasons i didn't understand v-girl's comic (the one mentioned above)

the first thing i did after i came one this site (by coincident or as i refer to it now by accident) was to spam the forum.

i apologised.

i apologised again.

i tried to explain my point of view several times.

i agree with (most) of the stuff you people say.

when being in an unknown environment you have to accept that there are different rules

i gave you some criticism which i still believe is true

at the moment i am trying to settle down and it seems to me that some people seem to accept the fact that i am not (only) a drugged up fuckhead who only seeks confrontation.
some people on the other hand are still looking for a "fight".

which site are you on ???

as i said before, things have been said, which could have been avoided easily. also, if 100% want me to leave , there is no good staying, init ?

what i don't undersatnd is that you are STILL giving me attitude for no reason, but maybe that's just your way to deal with strangers...
have you been hurt and scared once or what's the deal ???
are you trying to protect v-girl ? i think she can defend herself...

or do you simply hate anything new and unknown ? i hope that the last one is not the one you choose.


Signature seized by order of the Hague

9-26-02 9:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

coincident? interpetate? What language are you speaking?

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

9-26-02 9:33am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

or do you simply hate anything new and unknown ? i hope that the last one is not the one you choose.


I hate people that go on about what they'd done to 'change' after spending days of digging a huge hole for themselves, hen expect someone to magically forget. Forgive I can do. That still puts you on my shit list nonetheless.

But I'll tell you what.

Shut up, or at least post less often.

Make comics.

Be funny, witty and intelligent when making said comics.

Do that for a while.

Watch what happens. I think you'll be amazed how actions can speak much louder than words.

Needs more sodomy.

9-26-02 10:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

You never made comics Austrian dickhead...
shut the fuck up you cunting ass...
oh shit, I forgot, don't feed the troll...

"Eat a fucking cock." - attitudechicka

9-26-02 12:49pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Whatever it is, it all started, man!

9-26-02 1:32pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

It's Oida.

9-26-02 1:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

It's Oida.

You're Oida.

9-26-02 1:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

What now? This site is called and not right?

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

9-26-02 1:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

I love that web site.

9-26-02 1:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Dang, sub must've donated a lot to get Brad to change it to that...

9-26-02 2:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » the waz it ALL started :

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