...but if it makes you feel like a better person to belittle my opinions, more power to ya.
Anything you took from my statement other than its "yours is but one opinion" thrust is from your own imagination and compettitive nature.
Or maybe it's because of the following from that email you sent me a month ago:
Yes, but you're so fun to pick on. I'm making a pool
now to see whether you reply. Part of me thinks "Yes,
she's a power-hungry control freak, her eye will start
twitching if she doesn't get the last word." I hope
it's not true, since this is just a waste of my time.
You're super intelligent but tainted, so I don't value
anything you say. I'm really only writing back to you
to get a few more jabs in, since you're the first
person in my bad person list, so I feel no remorse
about doing it. And, it gives me pleasure to kick you
around a little since, well... since you're you.
No, probably just my imagination.
J, you're a joke. You know I think you're a joke. I've told you you're a joke. That still doesn't change the fact that anything you read into the above statement is from your own imagination since I, unlike you obviously, care to keep private disagreements out of a public forum.
But since that's the way you like it...
I have every word of every email you sent me too. Want I should post our back and forths here and let everyone read them? I'll happily do that so that above paragraph can be taken in context, and since I'd have no qualms with making your private statements public, since you have no qualms about doing the same with mine.
I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.