Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » You are not funny
Billiam40 Stripcreator Newbie
[Click to view comic: 'You are not funny']
Bloodcider Stripcreator Newbie
sad and true....
---I'm to good for a signature! Oh, wait...
ArtemisStrong masturbating to Japanese shit porn
Member Rated:
quote:rakadfa i hat my mom
FAG! LOL :)~~~~~~
Heee... I think I'll be using that regularly, now.
---Ham-fisted ham fisting.
dcomposed C3H5N3O9
I'm not funny.
---Batman created by Bob Kane
CaptainObvious Pink Donkey Wrangler
You took the words right out of my mouth, d.
---This is my signature.
It must have been while you were sucking my balls.
I sucked them only because I felt bad about splooging in your brown-eye for a third time that night.
thejusman1 Stripcreator Newbie
Oh my God, that right there was the funniest cartoon I've read here. I don't know whether that means it's really funny, or... nevermind.
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