Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » What the hell?
ArtemisStrong masturbating to Japanese shit porn
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[Click to view comic: 'My sister']
I don't get it. You mean she's always constipated? I'd be worried about her if I was her brother.
---Ham-fisted ham fisting.
Devin Comic Overlord
Hey Artemis, that comic looks mysteriously familiar... what the, wait a minute...
Hmm, maybe she IS constipated... I'm at a loss to explain why she's angry all the time.
And stop digging through my personal stuff, dangit! What, do you think I write these things so people can read them???
dcomposed C3H5N3O9
Don't read his damn comics.
---Batman created by Bob Kane
I'll read who I damn well want to! You can't make me not read anything! You're not the boss of me! Double Doody Sticks to you!
punkrockskaboy Defender of the Liquor Cabinet
hey hey it top gun, keep it under mach 3
---Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
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