Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » if someone could throw me some feedback
elijah Stripcreator Newbie
some are random, some are about slayer [Click to view comic: 'In the Pit (lyrics from Dead Skin Mask)'] here is the most recent I get mixed reviews among co workers, so any feedback is appreciated
Trippingbillee Playmate of the apes.
Member Rated:
I don't really get the jokes. The one about the guy turning into the british guy is funny, though. I tend to like making fun of "mood" drugs.
---Sex Piano.
punkrockskaboy Defender of the Liquor Cabinet
*Throws feedbag and hits you in the face* How's that for some...OHHHHH feedBACK. Damn, sorry dude.
---Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little
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