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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I wanna play too.



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If you are bored (who isn't?) and you feel like scanning through my comics, i'd dig it. Sharing is fun.

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-05-03 9:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

I enjoyed your comics, overall. Some of the jokes were a bit forced (trying to use actions the given characters just can't convey). Your 8th (Filing Clerk, VIP) is one example of this. But Some of them were great. I especially enjoyed

Stranger things have happened by mmyers
Hey, you're Satan, aren't you?!
I'm drinking a soda. Would satan drink a 7-Up?
7-Up? No I guess he wouldn't, would he? 7-Up...waitaminute...7-Up is....
7-Up, the official soft drink of the Apocalypse

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-05-03 9:52am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, i keep trying to find ways to make square pegs fit into round holes, but it's sort of fun that way.

By the by, this comic of yours made me laugh the most thus far in my comic readings. thanks.
Funny stuff

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-05-03 12:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

Thanks, but that comic was just a Variation on a Theme. Good to know it can stand alone, though.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-05-03 12:43pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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I tried my hat at a series (everyone else was doing it). Feel free to paruse and criticize, if you feel inclined.

Use them arrow thingies to move along

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-06-03 10:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

why does this go to

I really am a fan.

2-06-03 10:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Funny stuff

There, I fixed it. This here was your problem. *holds up an extra set of "http://"*

2-06-03 10:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

I liked it a lot, especially this one:
Filing Clerk, VIP vs vending machine (2) by mmyers
Hey dude...oh snap, your Reese's pieces got hung up in the machine. You should put in more money and knock them out.
So you're going to sit there and wait?
Reese's pieces, Milky Ways, Kit Kats, Big Red gum, orange crackers, Rolos, Fritos, Famous Amos cookies, all of these things get hung up in there. This machine gets no more of my $$$.
You know that comicstrip 'Cathy'? She makes lots of lists.
Piss off.

Incidentally, to find out how to show comics in the forum window hit "quote" and look at this message. If you're not seeing them displayed, go to "edit account" and choose Show Forum Comics: Display Comics in Forums. You don't know what you're missing otherwise.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-06-03 2:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Passing through.

Member Rated:

Thanks for the help. I appreciate your being civil about the whole thing. Sounds like some people get ripped to shreads for not being able to show their comics on a post. Here's my first attempt at doing it.

I'm working on another arc. I can't seem to stop writing about work. I feel like Dilbert, except I make myself laugh.

Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostile take over (1) by mmyers
At my company's annual meeting...
Hey, dig it, cats and kittens, Meca-meglomyna Corp, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, failed to make a profit last year, so to make up for that loss, we're going tits up.
What I mean to say is, I'm selling the company to this other company, who are gonna turn around and sell the company piece by piece and turn some profits.
So let me introduce you all to the new boss.
Yarrr. I sold the microphone and turned a nice profit doing it. Yarr!

It Worked! Yippee!

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-07-03 2:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

No, actually people get ripped to shreds for making shitty comics and expecting everyone to think they're hilarious.

I like your new arc, too.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-09-03 9:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Passing through.

Member Rated:

Welp, I finished the 'Hostile takeover' strip. Hope you like it.

Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostile take over (1) by mmyers
At my company's annual meeting...
Hey, dig it, cats and kittens, Meca-meglomyna Corp, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, failed to make a profit last year, so to make up for that loss, we're going tits up.
What I mean to say is, I'm selling the company to this other company, who are gonna turn around and sell the company piece by piece and turn some profits.
So let me introduce you all to the new boss.
Yarrr. I sold the microphone and turned a nice profit doing it. Yarr!

Filing Clerk, VIP and the Hostile Take over (2) by mmyers
At the office...
And this is where Daddy signs the overinflated paychecks that are sent to the fat cats who run the company. Let's see what else I can show you, honey...
Avast, your wee daughter has been downsized and sold off to boys on the internet so that they can make "Sucky sucky" jokes at her expense. Yar!
But it was bring your child to work day.

Filing clerk, VIP and the hostile takeover (3) by mmyers
In the hallway...
Man, that new boss is as crazy as a...dammit, I've never been able to do those metaphor thingies.
I think those are similies. The ones that use 'like' or 'as' are...oh snap, here comes the boss. I'm out like a scout.
Avast, Filing clerk, how are you today? That's a mighty keen jacket. Might a matey ask what size it is?
Um, I think it's a 40L. My mom got it for me.
Avast, that jacket has been downsized and it's mine now. It goes well with the hat I downsized from the security guard and the remote control I downsized from the breakroom.
I need to get back to the fileroom now.

Filing Clerk VIP and the hostile takeover (4) by mmyers
Yeah man, i go and hide in the bathroom for minutes at the time. It's the only place I feel safe, like having my own office. Plus, it's like getting paid to take a crap..
Hey that's a good idea. i'll have to stake a claim on one of the stalls for myself.
Don't take stall #2. That one is MY happy place.
Yo-ho! Starting now, the bathrooms have been downsized and are now rented out to the Hallmark next door. I suggest bringing a Gatorade bottle with you to work. Yarr! That's is all.

Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostel takeover by mmyers
The Home Office...
Mr Corporate Pirate, Can I talk to you for a minute?
Ahoy matey, sure thing come on in. My door is always open, because I downsized it.
Um, I'll just come right out and say it. All of this downsizing and taking stuff and eating people's lunches has really got moral down.
Let me take this hat off and your old jacket and set down the tv remote and Jim's sandwich, this paper weight I stole and this rubberband ball, and be honest with you.
I've decided to downsize myself and take a job at the website.

[Click to view comic: 'Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostel takeover (6)']

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-11-03 1:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I wanna play too.

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