Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » PORNO
smilekt14 Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
hi. so i just started writing some of these comics and stuff, and i have no idea if they're any can ya check them out and let me know? thanks! peace.
Trippingbillee Playmate of the apes.
They are really funny. I especially like the clown one and the margaret one. :) Keep it up!
---Sex Piano.
Bargaintuan Don't eat any wooden nickels.
You're on my list now. Doesn't that make you feel special? Or dirty? Both, maybe? Doesn't matter; I'm not taking you off. Live with it.
---Life is a lot like getting mugged; you get your kicks, you take your punches, and when it's over, someone else gets your cash.
not_Scyess not laughing with you
Excellent comics, mostly. My favorite is
[Click to view comic: 'Monkeys']
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
kreftron Stripcreator Newbie
Forumusers. Word. Right on.
thanks to all of you that replied. much appreciated.
boorite crazy knife lady
My favorite:
[Click to view comic: 'Kids say the darndest things']
---What others say about boorite!
Devin Comic Overlord
What a coincidence:
Completely different though; smilekt's is better.
Thanks guys. I made some more, so check them out. peace.
El_Cid Member - Tobor Fan Club
Yuo da man. Or woman. Or both?
yuo pwn.
---f u
naz_ghul Member - Tobor Fan Club
I agree. I added you to my list as well. Keep it up.
---The woman said, "Sir, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea." Churchill replied "madame, if you were my wife, I'd drink it.
check it.
[Click to view comic: 'Balls']
MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hee..hee....heeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh. *Milk shoots out TrippingBillee's nose*
What? I didn't have any milk.
one more:
[Click to view comic: 'Balls II']
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