Yeah... 'cause I haven't heard that joke 400 million times. Why do people bother turning spoken jokes into comic strips? Everyone already knows them...
Some may call it "saying other peoples' comics are shit." I call it "constructive criticism." (Even in those cases I say nothing more than "your comics are shit," if that person gets frustrated and leaves, at least he won't make any more shitty comics! Now that's what I call constructive!)
I just read them. Ping-pong atrocity aside, your comics are an excellent example of someone who started out very shakey and improved his comic style quite a bit. Your later ones are generally pretty good. My top five favorites are:
Hey, you festering boil on the clitoris of humanity.
I love it when you talk dirty.
And on very special occasions.
Just the scabby pair of cunt-lips I was looking for.
Do you ever have anything nice to say to me?
So there's my honest opinion. If you haven't donated, you should, just to delete that inane ping-pong ball series. Really, it's awful. But the rest of your stuff is pretty good and the trend is towards getting better.
(PS -- "Even my best friend hates my guts." is interesting since every insult coming out of their mouths relate to female genetalia. Freudian? I think yea!)